20. High-five?

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Tankhun's POV:

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Tankhun's POV:

I was on the ninth moon or something like that, the whole day. Maybe it was cloud nine!!

Anyhow I'm happy as hell today. I had three freaking classes with her! From now on I have to give more attention to my skincare routine and fashion. I'll make her go crazy - not literally!

After I came back from my newly found heaven, I took a short nap because I was hella tired after sitting all day in the classroom, but all of my suffering was worth it.

In late evening I just woke up had my smoothie shake and then went to the spa to get my special facial treatment for soft skin.

Everything was going smoothly then Arm happened! That guy definitely runs on batteries or something because he never gets tired of books or technologies. I told Pol not to tell him where I was going. But I'm sure it wasn't that hard for him to find me. He's smart enough to check the damn CCTV footage to find me. Maybe we were enemies in our past life!? This guy never leaves me alone...

"You just can't see me happy, are you?" I mumbled to myself. He was standing in front of me while holding his tablet and pushing his vision glasses up. He was giving me a four-eyed look and I just rolled my eyes.

You can't escape from the inevitable, that is.

As soon as our eyes met, he started to give me a lecture on the history of blah blah. He was talking smoothly in his robotic voice and continued absorbing all of the relaxation I felt from the damn spa. In his presence, every happy place turns into a freaking boring nightmare.

Why is he not lazy like Porsche or dumb like Pol...?

Tomorrow, I have another test but this time it's about the history of something... I just wanted to yell at him and run to my bedroom. Arm repeated all the lectures that he noted while taking my classes last week. I'm sure only he was the one who didn't miss any damn thing in the whole class. Maybe Amy too was his partner in crime in this stupid study thing! As soon as the thought came her beautiful smile appeared in my mind making me smile too. Watching me smile Arm raised his eyebrows in confusion. Idiot!

After giving me a boring as-hell lecture he began to ask me random quiz questions as if I heard anything he said earlier... maybe he was talking about angels or something...

"Enough! Are you plotting to murder me with boredom!" I flipped finally having enough of him.

"..." He didn't faze.

"I can't take this anymore I'm leaving." I tried to make a dramatic exit. As soon as I came outside the door, I bloody ran for my life. He was too stunned to do anything. Haha stupid!


"Khun open the door!" He was knocking at my damn door for like fourteen minutes.

"For what?" I asked irritated by the repetitive knocking noise.

TANKHUN Fanfic | Mind Over MatterWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu