44. Party Animals!

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Dear readers,

It took me nine hours in two days to finish this chapter.

Longest chapter so far.
Freaking 9497 words!!

And You're gonna love it!

-A.S. Styles^^


Tankhun's POV:

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Tankhun's POV:

When I came out of my room with a loud 'Ta Da~~~' Arm stare at me from head to toe. 

"Yeah, I know, I'm looking dashing!" I smirked at him, waiting for a few praising words.

"What took you so long?" He asked in his robotic voice. Damn him.

"It's Pol's fault, he couldn't find my matching glasses to my costume." I tried to kick Pol but couldn't as I was wearing tight leather pants.

"He put them in his pocket and make me going through every nook and corner of his wardrobe." Pol complained in his heavy voice and made a self-pity face.

"Let's go, Khun, before others came and see you like this." Arm said gazing at my beautiful costume. What does that supposed  to mean?

"Okay... But I still have one thing to do," I looked at both my boys slyly.

"...", "..."
They took a small conscious step back. Haha


We finally left the house without anyone seeing us except guards at the gate, of course.

I made Pol wear a leopard print shirt and for my Arm I choose a zebra print. They both look good but not happy. I tried not to laugh at their faces, as they might think that I'm making fun of them. Which I didn't... not at the moment. I just don't want them to wear their uniforms, I want them to enjoy the party that I don't even attend myself ever before. But there's always a room for first, right?

Pol was driving and Arm was looking at the map in his phone. I looked out the window, it was dark outside and I only saw a few rows of cars and bikes.

"Khun, are you sure this is the place?" Arm asked as he didn't see anything that look like a party place.

"Nanon sent me the address, are you sure you took us to a right place, Pol?" I asked.

"Yes, Khun." He answered and kept driving. I saw a wall of containers. And faint pink and purple lights above them.

"What's behind those?" I asked curiously.

Pol stopped the car, becoming a part of huge line of others cars. We stepped outside. They looked around making me stand in between.

Before we chose a direction to go a minivan came and stopped beside my car. Door opened and a group of noisy girls stepped outside. I started to count the number and they were freaking eight girls. How did they even fit in that thing!?

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