58. Stutter Boy!

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Kim's POV:

I was the first come in the music club. I hold my guitar and sit in the corner near the front door.

I think for a minute to which song I should be playing today.

I started playing the song I was working on for a few months. It's still uncomplete as every time I sing this song I felt like something is missing.

Well it supposed to be a sad love song. But the thing I want to express is still missing.

I place my guitar and sing the lyrics but stop in just two minutes.


I looked up as someone entered in the club.

For a second I didn't know how to act when she entered. I tilted my head in half question half confusion.

"Ummm..." She thoughts for a second ".. You are wasting your time." She blurted out.

"..." I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Excuse my interruption but I heard the song you were singing and I can't stop myself from telling you that... I can't feel your lyrics. No offense but your ruining it."

I stare at her for frank honesty.. for a solid minute, while comprehending what she wants me to do.

When she saw me quiet she stepped back and turned as if she was leaving.

"Stop!" well that come out loud.

She blinked for a second then smiled a little.

"I heard the thing you just said so.... any suggestions?" I asked in my raspy voice.

She looked a little surprise as she didn't expect that. I waited patiently for her to say something about my music.

"It's an original song, right?" She asked, I nodded in yes.

She thinks for a second before starting..

"The lyrics are sad and good. The music you were playing on your guitar, I like the tune. And your voice.. Well that's everything but..." She was saying, making me smile a little
".. I think it's supposed to be a sad song, maybe a sad love song." She waited for me.

"Yes." I said shortly.

"Tell me what were your thinking while writing this song." She leaned on the door and crossed her arm, like she has all the time in the world. I saw some papers she was holding in one hand.

"This song is about a guy who like someone but can't be with him. Let me put it in another way..." I arranged the idea behind the song.
"It's a song about a boy who loves the other guy and that other guy - even though he knew the boy's feeling - he can't reciprocate it." I tried to explain.
".. this song is from the perspective of the guy." I added.

She nodded a little while understanding what I just tried to say..

"Can you please sing it again main verse or from the start..?"

"Sure." I started to play my guitar.

I sang for a minute and she held her hand up to stop me.

"I've got a feeling, correct me if I'm wrong.. is there an element like.. 'the boy fell first with the guy fell harder'..?"

I froze at her question.

"That was the point I wanted to explain.." I chuckled lightly "..and express.." I added casually

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