33. The Club

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-A.S. Styles ^^


Tankhun's POV:

Since I came back from the canteen, she's kinda behaved... oddly.

Maybe because I sat beside her... but she didn't complain about that so maybe something else happened between her and Joy.

I grabbed my bag, opened the front pocket and took out the cell phone to stop voice recording that I started when I was going to buy something to eat.

Well, I would be stupid to eat something that other people got for me. I don't want to die young after eating poisonous food. Dying with a bullet in heart is cool but with poison. Yuck!

I've been getting Joy's attention for quite some time. She always smiled weirdly whenever I was observing... or just gazing at Amy. No matter how long I stared at her, I didn't get bored, plus she became extraordinary. 

I placed the juice, I bought for her, she took it without even thanking me let alone looking at me. I narrowed my eyes at her. Something is fishy!

Even Joy was looking at us back and forth. So, I had to point at the Bright boy who happened to be looking at her too, nonstop. Humph!

Even though he's doing the same thing as I... how can someone possibly stare at Joy nonstop. I just shook at the sight of him.

"Are you not going to eat your food?" Nanon asked bringing me back to the real world.

I didn't reply just looked at the cheap food I got. Everything is so low in price here. They didn't have any menu. So, I have to ask Nanon about the most expensive food they've got. He was surprised to know that it was my first time coming to the canteen to buy actual food. Hah! I had an urge to bring him with me at the places my food comes from.

Even Arm and Pol were surprised to see me going towards the counter. They were sitting two tables behind us. When they saw me, they were about to come to me but I motioned them to stay sitting.

I freaking paid with the cash, but instead of getting the arrears I told the woman to give the same food as me to the two guys sitting behind me. I don't know if my boys had breakfast or not. But... If I'm going to eat the cheap food, they have to suffer with me too. Hehe.

When I was going back with my three group members, I just tilted my chin to let them know to get their orders. They bowed to me as they got what I was saying. I saw a little smile on both of their stupid faces.

Now I have to put the damn spoon in my mouth to taste it. If I liked it, I'll eat it otherwise it's going to end up in the trash. Oh, surprisingly it tastes plain but good. Maybe I should name it simple-but-tasty-eatable-food-for-poor-students. hahaha

"I see you liked it!" Joy said. Was she looking at me the whole time? At this rate I won't be surprised if she ends up falling for me. Don't do that girl I don't want to break your heart.

I glanced at the girl besides me, she was taking little sips from the bottle. I imagined her moving throat behind the scarf. Damnit! I turned my gaze to my plate almost immediately.

I don't know why she changed her looks today. It's not that she looks bad or anything but it makes me slightly uncomfortable as people around her are looking at her in a certain way I would like to hate.

As we were walking to the class, I tried my best to cover her up from behind but then ended up tying the scarf on her myself. She was dumbfounded as she just stood and looked at me. Haha silly girl!

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