Epil. 14: Freshly Divorced Divorcee

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We blow through the wintery streets of Piltover, ending up at the shopping mall. A giant shopping center filled with poor stores on the bottom, and high-end stores on the top, but that was over ten years ago. 

Kai: Gwen... is a master of her boutique... She makes clothes and runs a hair salon. She has a lot on her plate and doesn't settle for one thread out of place, pun intended...

Y/N: You're so punny...

She blushes a little bit at that corny compliment. 

Kai: Seriously, she's such a nice lady, and a good recent friend that helped me draw a straight purple strand down my hair.

Y/N: I see that, it looks amazing. 

Kai: H-heh... don't let her implants scare you, she's harmless. Sometimes she has a pair of scissors bigger than herself, other times the size of her fingertips, and her eye is a star.

Y/N: Seems like another quirky sci-fi, cyberpunk girl who I'm sure people drool over, but I know who I belong to...

I stroke her cheek as we stand outside the salon, "Seamstress Boutique". I didn't even pay attention; we were walking through the whole mall without me knowing. 

We head inside where Kai takes me right to a chair. She sits me down in the salon instead of making me wait. Another case where celebrities with the higher-ups just have the connections and easy-passes for just about everything.

Gwen?: I saw you come in! Let me send this last customer out and I'll be right over!

A blue-haired woman, looking like Edward Scissorhands is working her magic, chopping up this person's mop top and turning it into some glorious looking head of hair. She has twin tails, and some large, black bows that keep it all together. She reminds of Sera, although much taller, and when she turns around to look at us, her eyes are glowing blue, but her one eye has some pink in there. 

She turns around after collecting her pay, then come strutting over to us. Kai lightly smacks me on the back of my head when I've stared a bit too much. 

Kai: Y/N...

Y/N: Hey, her dress looks nice.

Gwen: Oh, heh, thank you... so what brings you here, Kai'Sa? Your hair looks amazing! 

Kai: It's him, actually.

Gwen: Ohhh... yes, you'd be surprised how many people like their hair. So, your name is Y/N? I'm Gwen. 

Y/N: It's a pleasure to meet you, Gwen. So, how does this hair growth thing work? 

She turns me around, tapping the side of her head, making that pink eye turn green, and she starts looking at every corner of my bald head. 

Gwen: What I am doing... is checking everywhere on your head to make sure your follicles are intact... you have implants out the wazoo...

Y/N: That's what happens when you turn into a lab rat for ten years...

Gwen: Wait... you're THE Y/N?! I had no idea! I'll make this extra special...

Kai: Not too special... 

Gwen: Oh, don't worry, I know which master this toy belongs to...

Y/N: What? 

Gwen: N-nothing! Now, hold still.


So, like those weird Chia Pets, she was speeding up the hair growth on my head by rubbing it with a special kind of lotion. It went on cold, but overtime my head got warm, like I was having a fever. 

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