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There is blood everywhere. It's on my clothes, my hair, my hands and it's all coming from Tyler. My sister has salves all over her body and bandages wrapping up the most gruesome cuts. She lays in her tan bra since I had to cut open her shirt and open her chest so she could breathe.

"Wake up Tyler. You have to open your eyes." I tell her as I hold her hand. Tears stain my cheeks and more follow in its wake.

With no warning Tyler shoots into a sitting position screaming in agony. She rips away from me and continues screaming.

"Tyler its me your sister." I say calmly as I grab her hands. She tries to fight me off, but I maneuver my way around to her back and hold her in my arms. I whisper calming things in her ear as her sporadic breathing tries to even out. " Tell me what three things that cannot be long hidden?" I tell her.

"Th..The sun." She takes a deep shuddering breath, "The moon." Another deep breath. "The truth." She takes a few deep breaths before fully calming down from her panic.

"Tighter or looser?" I ask as I hold her tight.

"Tighter." So I squeeze her tighter so she feels the pressure and safety that she needs. She finally nods her head signaling she is better and that I can let go.  "Can't believe you used that line from Teen Wolf." She said snorting at me.

"It was the only thing I could remember and I know that was something mom used to help you." I stated laying my head on her shoulder.

"Thanks Ry."

"Anytime, how are you feeling?"

"Terrible." She snorts, but as the pain hits her she winces.

"Here lay back on me. I've got you." She nods and gently lays back and I stroke her hair as she closes her eyes. Soon her breathing evens out and softly snores. Trying not to laugh, I close my eyes to try and get some sleep myself. Sleep beckoned me with open arms and I gladly joined.

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