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    Watching Ikaros breakdown was new to me, he was always the strong one, a leader.

    These girls they have no idea the danger they are facing just by being here on this island. They will never escape the island alive or with their humanity. The island isn't kind to strangers that aren't native to it. The sins of life will invade them and make them transform into something monstrous. Monsters that were once human like them, like me.

    The girl on my table, Tyler, is slowly dying and there is nothing I can do to help her. She won't make it through the night, so as night falls I let her sister stay by her side until the end.

    I make my way to Ikaros and hold him as we walk to our tents. He stays silent as I lead him to his cot. He lays down, eyes an empty void, and curls into himself. I cover him with a quilt and leave before a tear can escape. Thoughts swarming my mind as I walk to my tent and get ready to lay down. I hope she pulls through, but the island leaves no human survivors except for me. Before I knew it my mind was welcoming darkness in its arms like a mother would a child.

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