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Every muscle felt as if they were torn in two. I was laying on my stomach and on my injured arm which throbbed in time with my heartbeat. My brain trying to figure out what was happening and it came rushing back. The plane, crashing, the island, Ikaros. My eyes flew open seeing Ikaros on his back and something on top of him that wasn't even remotely human or animal. Fear and adrenaline amped up my energy and before I knew what was happening I was on my feet and heading for the inhumane thing.
Grabbing a broken stick from the ground I charged the creature and rammed my shitty stick through its back. It screeched in pain and turned my direction.
The real fear began when I saw the creature had no eyes, only rows of sharp jagged teeth and it was salivating. A scream ripped itself from my throat before it pounced. I was no match for whatever this thing was but I wasn't going to die without trying. I ducked out of the way before it reached me only to trip over a damn root. It took its chance and sunk its teeth into my left knee. A blood curdling scream escaped me as the sickening crunch of my flesh and bone could be heard throughout the forest.
Ikaros didn't waste time running to the creature and ripping out the stick before driving it again through its heart. He stood there panting, sweat dripping down his frame before he collapsed beside me. His expression was one of worry.
"Jesus Tyler what were you thinking?" He said frantically trying to tend to my knee.
"What was that thing?" I said trying my best to breathe evenly through the pain.
"Tyler." His worried expression worsening as he took in my leg, prompting me to look at my wound. The sight was gruesome, mangled flesh and bone stuck its way out of my knee, blood flowing freely while a few of the creatures teeth stayed inside. Pain erupted throughout my body as the adrenaline dies down.
"Jesus Christ, fuck!" I yelled holding back tear's threatening to fall.
"We need to get you to Becca now!" He said grabbing me bridal style before taking off in a dead sprint towards the clearing.
Darkness clouded my vision but I could vaguely make out tan feathers before the dark blanketed me into unconsciousness.

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