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Flight or fight is what my mother used to say, and she always wanted to find another way. Me, I wanted death to those that tried to hurt my family. Right now the only thing keeping me from slicing up the wraiths is the treaty we all signed to stay within our borders. There they stood not two feet away on their side of the border as they smiled while I paced waiting to tear them limb from limb. I don't know why I was so angry, but apart of me knew that it was them behind the attack on Tyler and I. The thought of her hurt made my blood boil and I needed to reign in my temper. I took a deep breath before turning towards the low level wraiths. There were three of them,men all dressed in tattered clothing and their teeth sharpened to a point. They were the definition of death on the island and seemed to always be the cause or in the middle of it.

"Tell your boss I know it was him that sent your dog after us, and if he crosses the boarder again I'll personally gut him myself."

"We don't know anything about an attack?" The guy in the middle spoke roughly as if his voice was made of sandpaper.

"Really because the dead Wendigo says otherwise." I say reaching into my back pocket and throw the teeth of the creature in front of them. They snarl at me as I turn my back and walk away.

"If you don't keep that bitch on a leash she'll be next." That sentence had enough to stop me in my tracks. Anger overcoming me and before I knew it I was turned around and slicing my extend claws into the middle guys neck. Blood spewing from his neck like a shattered bottle of wine, coating my face before the guy on his right tried to take a swing at me. I threw him backwards towards my extending wings before he impaled himself on the tip of my bone at the top of my wing. Screams erupted from the last wraith standing before I pushed him into the ground hatred painted on my face.

I leaned in close to his face and whispered, "If you ever speak of her like that or even take a step over our border I'll string you up by your intestines at the front gate. Am I clear?" I seethe and the poor wraith nods frantically before I let him go. "Oh and tell your boss he's next if he betrays the treaty again!" I yell, but the wraith is already running away.

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