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After letting Becca go back to her tent I decided to go to the secluded part of Eden to grab a drink. The so called bar was stocked with alcohol that came from the planes and ships that landed here. The small bar was surrounded by trees and handmade barstools stood around the decorated table.

Lilian stood behind the "bar" mixing drinks as I took a seat. Her dark brunette hair was cascading down her shoulders. She was wearing her usual black tank-top with black cargo pants. Her tattoos shimmered under the light showing off the scales. She was pouring bourbon into a glass before sliding it my way.

"I could smell the blood on you from a mile away." Her tone displeased.

"Business got messy." I stated before swirling the liquor in my glass. She looked at me with sapphire eyes before pouring herself a drink.

"To getting messy." She raised her glass in a toast, before taking the drink like a shot. I turned my glass upward and took a swig of bourbon, relishing in the burn that traveled from my throat before settling in my stomach. "So I hear we have some new guests." Her sapphire eyes trained on me, calculating my movements.

    "Yeah twin sisters."

    "Hmph, strange only twins survive."

    "Yeah, don't know if anyone else got out alive." Looking down I take another swig.

    "Been a while since I've been with a human." My chair flew backwards and I was nose to nose with Lilian. My nostrils flared while my claws grew digging into the wood.

    "Watch your fucking mouth." I seethed.

    "Relax don't get your feathers into a ruff." She laughed and dismissed me with a glance. My eyes burning as if the fire was winning against the ice. Her smile faltered as she glanced at my eyes. "Holy shit, they're the twins."

    "Yes, now watch your tone or I won't hesitate to rip out your tongue."


"What do I owe you for the drink?" I say quickly picking up the barstool and placing it back.

"On the house, but don't go throwing my things." She waved me away and began cleaning up and serving the other patrons. Nodding I took my leave and headed back to my tent. Walking past the few onlookers as I made my way to the tents, I could feel them staring at the blood flaking off and metallic smell coming off me. My clothes stuck to me like a second skin making my stomach churn. Quickly I moved past everyone and made it into the tent before vomiting into a bucket next to the shower. Wiping my mouth with the back of my hand I sit up against the wooden logs surrounding the shower instead of tarps. Before I realize what is going on I look up and then she screamed.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15 ⏰

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