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    Ryland barely looked at her plate before I began cleaning my plate. The meat was tender and juicy while the fresh produce had me wanting to grab more, but my stomach protested and I knew I would sleep well tonight. I started to clean my share up when gasps were heard from all around. Looking up I couldn't help but freeze dropping the remains of my food scraps onto the bright lush green grass. Ikaros stood before everyone blood caked to his muscular figure like dried paint. His breathing heavy and ragged as he made his way to our table. My body was moving before I could register anything, leaving my crutches behind, and I threw my arms around him. He stood still and tense before relaxing against me. My mind was buzzing with questions with why I was calm against a man covered in dried blood but I blocked them out. Right now I was holding him as if he would escape into the night and never be seen again.

    Suddenly realizing how awkward this was being I backed away limping, "I'm sorry." But it was to late, the blush creeping up my cheeks had set my whole body on fire. His face was grim but his eyes were like fire and ice battling for strength against each other, but his smile lit up his face and God I'd be lying if I said it didn't make my knees a little weak. Yes the tough stubborn girl was swooning over a man she just met, how cliche and very Hallmark movie.

    Quickly regaining my composure before straightening my spine and limping to our table to grab Ryland. I needed to put as much distance between Ikaros and I right now, because my body is buzzing with electricity making me want to go to him. Ryland understood as she grabbed my crutches and handed them to me. Becca had shown us to our rooms earlier, but I was supposed to stay in medical for a while so she could treat my knee. So here we were heading towards the medical tent so Ryland could change the bandage.

"What was that?" She asks and I knew she meant the very public display of intimate hugging with Ikaros.

"He saved my life, can't I be grateful?" I voiced irritated but hopeful she would leave it be.

"You can when he is not covered in blood." She stops outside the medical tent looking at me waiting on my answer.

"It was nothing." I shrug but she knew better, she let it drop but I could feel our twin bond strain at the secrecy. She lifted the flap of the tent as I strode inside to the cot I would be calling mine for a while and sat upright. Ryland was quiet as she removed the bandage and I watched as she took the last of the wrap off. She grimaced but continued on as if this was a normal circumstance. The gash looked mangled and my muscle was clearly trying to rip through the stitches. Fresh blood rushed out and quickly covered the dried spots. I winced as she removed some more bone fragments from where the creature crushed my patella with its jaws. Ryland kept on going before deciding to put fresh bandages on and wrap it for the night. When finished she cleaned her wrists and hands in a nearby water basin before coming over to me.

"Try and get some rest, I'll check on you in the morning. I love you." Without waiting for my response she turned on her heel and left leaving me to my spiraling thoughts and feelings. I leaned back and closed my eyes trying to calm my racing thoughts. Taking slow deep breaths, before I knew it the darkness cascaded down on me letting me slip into a deep sleep.

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