As I was giving the last instructions on the call, the sound of the shower reached my ears. "Oh no! This woman is as stubborn as hell!"

"What was that, madam?" I heard from the phone.

"Oh, nothing. I just mentioned your boss is quite stubborn. Anyways, as I said, kindly bring some Ibuprofen as well. Thank you," I concluded the call and hurried back to the bathroom.

Upon entering, I saw the blurred silhouette of my wife through the frosted division of the shower, leaning against the wall for support.

I attempted to open the shower door, but it was locked. "Locked? Baby, open this, you might slip!"

"I've got this, babe!" she shouted back, determined to assert her independence.

I sighed, realizing that arguing with her about the shower might not be the best use of our energy. Instead, I opted for a more practical approach and prepared a fresh set of clothes for her, neatly placing them in the bathroom.

While waiting for the room service, I thought it would be a good idea to check on our daughter in the adjacent suite, where she was staying with her nanny. Using the spare key, I opened the door quietly and found Zea peacefully asleep in her bed, with her nanny resting on the adjacent one.

"Y-you need anything, Ma'am?" Ella mumbled, squinting her eyes and trying to sit up at the edge of her bed.

"Nothing, Ella. I'm just checking on you two. How was Zea earlier?" I inquired.

"She kept on asking what time you were going to arrive and insisted on waiting for you. But she dozed off to sleep after I read to her," she responded, a warm smile playing on her lips.

"Thank you, Ella. Your care for Zea means the world to me," I expressed, genuinely grateful. Ella responded with a warm smile, and as I closed the door, I left them to enjoy their well-deserved rest.

Upon returning to our suite, the lingering fragrance of the late-night room service welcomed me. My wife, now clad in the clothes I had laid out, lay on the bed, gazing up at the ceiling.

"You okay?" I inquired.

She met my gaze, blinking as if to confirm my presence. "Just a bit dizzy."

"Blame that on the whiskey bottle you held onto so tightly earlier," I playfully remarked.

Carefully balancing the tray of food, I approached the bedside table. "Alright, my stubborn wife, time to eat," I declared, giving her a gentle tap to encourage her to sit up.

She complied, saying, "Thanks, my love," while taking a sip of the soup. "And, uh, sorry about earlier. I didn't mean to be so stubborn."

I hissed, "You can be so stubborn sometimes. If you slip and end up causing yourself an accident, I'll definitely kill you. You've got quite a bit of making up to do." I conveyed firmly.

She looked at me, a hint of remorse in her eyes. "I know, I know," she sighed. "I promise I'll be more careful. And, I appreciate you taking care of me." And she rested her head on my shoulders.

I softened a bit, realizing she understood the concern behind my words. "You're lucky I love you" I kissed her head.

"I surely am. Please don't get tired of loving me babe" She whispered.

Her confession stirred a tender response within me, prompting me to hold her even closer. "I won't," I assured her and kissed her cheeks. "Now, finish your meal. We've got a night of rest ahead."

With sleepy eyes, she nodded, surrendering to the fatigue that lingered in the corners of her gaze. Obediently, she began to focus on her meal, afterwards we allowed the comforting routine of snuggle to take over as we have a peaceful night together.

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