109. The Midnight Mirage

Start from the beginning


"I wanted to apologize too."

[Go ahead.]

She encouraged me with a smile, and here I thought she would accept my apology without hearing the word sorry.

"At first I didn't know why you were ignoring me, but today I realized. I shouldn't have told the weeping girl about your... engagement."

Damn the word left a bitter taste on my tongue!

[It's okay. You merely state the fact.]

She said simply but it feels like a slap to my face.

[Okay then good night!]

"Amy wait!"


I sat up, took a cushion and placed it on my lap.

"I have a question. When the girls accused you of being involved with me.. why didn't you-"

[Is that my cushion?]

She interrupted me.

"What?" I glanced at my favorite black velvet cushion and threw it away. "No, it's not."

[What you mean it's not! It's freaking mine! You stole it?]

"How dare you! You think I would steal something like this!"

[Shut up! A thief has no right to yell! It's mine give it back.]

"Too late! I've got quite used to it. I slept comfortably while hugging it. So that's a big NO from me."

In truth, I like the flowery scent coming from this soft thing, it smells like Amy.

[Hell with your comfort! Give it back!]

"Stop being petty! Alright!"

I yelled shamelessly and she gasped in fury.

[You stole it! Just admit it!]

"I didn't steal it, I just.... took it. And stop accusing me for thievery, you left it at the minor mansion, so here it is..."

[What do mean I left it there, you were the first to leave that house!]

Yeah right!

"My Pol boy took it with my stuff..I think."

[Don't you put the blame on brother Pol!]

"Stop arguing! You said we're good then why are acting like this."

[Fine! You didn't steal, it was a mistake. Now return it to it's actual owner.]

"I won't. Keepers, finders."

[You mean 'Finders.. keepers'?]

"Oh so you know? Good for you my smarty Amy! Sweet dreams ba-bye."

I hung up, grabbed the cushion and lay down while hugging it.


I received a text.

"Petty millionaire."

It's billionaire, but I didn't reply to correct her.


"Pervert thief."

My jaw dropped down on the cushion.

Ting! Ting!

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