Chapter 8: Can't be apart

Start from the beginning

"Good morning sweet boy, are you ready?"

"Yes, super ready"

"Good, do your best okay good luck"

"Good luck see you"

The first day went really well as for the remaining days they are doing great. The last day of exams the faculty organised an outside movie activity they'll project the film on a big screen.

"Finally it's over" rain exclames coming out the classroom

"This was a week of hell" sky replies

"Tell me about it, i don't want to see any books or notes anymore"

"Me too, by the way what are you going to do during the semester break"

"Mom said i can go back in London and bring P'Phayu so i need to talk with him before i can decide, what about you?"

"I'll just be with P'Pai i think"

"You guys are now inseparable"

"Look who's talking, you're worse than me clingy boy"

"Whatever, are you coming tonight for the movie right"

"Yeah, let's go home rest a bit i need a nap my brain hurts"

"I don't know if i have a brain anymore let's go sleep, I'll text P'Phayu he'll pick me up later"

Both sent a text to their boyfriend, they went back home eat, bath then take a nap. Around 7pm they woke up and get ready for the night.

"Skyyyy" rain shouted from his room


"Come please"

"Why are you shouting?"

"Do you think P'Phayu will like me wearing this or he'll be jealous of people looking at me, he already told me not to expose what his"

Rain was planning to wear that one leggings that show his body shape and ass very well plus a crop top exposing his back, shoulder and arms completely just cover the front with his heel boots.

"I may say if i was your boyfriend I'll not be happy people looking at you in those clothes, rain your body is so perfect of course he'll be protective but you wear what you want as long as you feel comfortable"

"I don't want to feel guilty if he gets angry"

"He'll not be angry just possessive don't worry, fix your makeup you look beautiful like this. Sometimes make him a bit jealous I'll do the same"

"Thank you skyyyy"

"Hurry up they'll be there soon, I'm waiting downstairs"

Rain fixed his makeup put perfume he knows phayu love his smell, he looks beautiful and cute.

"Holly shit" phayu said as soon he saw rain coming out...

"I feel you bro, why they look so sexy damn should we cancel the movie and do something else instead" Pai said looking at sky who's also wearing a crop top and tight jeans.

"Where are you going like this" Phayu said

"To the movie with my boyfriend have you seen him, i want to know if he likes my outfit" rain said sarcastic

"Rain, the whole faculty will be there, if anyone dare to lay an eye on you I'm going to kill them, and you sky too why did you guys decided to dress hot like this, are you testing us"

"They're definitely testing our patience, sky you're exposing too much" Pai said

"You guys are just so possessive just tell us we look good, anyway let's gooo" sky said pushing them aside both just passed and sit on the car.

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