Hes back 😈

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Jiwoo POV
It was getting late so we decided to tidy up and head home "I'll go get Mijoo" Jay nodded as I walked off to find my daughter "hey sunny you seen Mijoo?" He shook his head.

I looked around for a good ten minutes when I started to worry "MIJOO!" nothing, I ran back to Jay and everyone else and started to panic "Jay!" He turned and looked at me worried "Ji your crying what-" "I can't find her" he put down the plates he was holding and held my shaky body "we'll find her."

"EVERYONE LOOK FOR MIJOO" everyone immediately split up understanding the circumstances and looked around for my daughter, I sniffled in Jays arms as he stroked my hair "shhh we'll find her don't worry angel" I looked up at him with tear stained cheeks "I'm scared" his eyes softened as he pecked my nose "I promise we'll find her" I hope he's right.

It'd been another twenty minutes when my phone rang "who is it?" I shrugged "unknown number" I picked up and put on speaker "hey Garam~" my heart dropped. Jihoon.

"J-Jihoon?" He chuckled "missed me Jagiya?" I felt Jays body tense "what do you want Jihoon?!" Jay spoke through gritted teeth "ah Jay hyung long time no see" I squeezed Jays arm trying to calm him down.

"What do you want Jihoon?" I knew he was smirking on the other side of the phone "it's not what I want, it's what you want" this idiot and his confusing words "spit it out!" "Woah calm down there Jay" I fukin hate his annoying ass voice.

Everyone had come back and was listening to the call "well Garam dear I have something very precious of yours with me right now" I looked up at Jay terrified "Mijoo" I mumbled as I felt my anger rise.

"WHERES MY DAUGHTER?!" Jihoon chuckled "ah Garam-shi I didn't know you could be soo angry" "my names fukin Jiwoo" "ah how cute okay then Jiwoo I little someone wants to talk to you......e-eomma a-appa I'm s-scrared" my heart shattered. My baby.

I held the phone delicately "Mijoo? Oh baby eommas gonna save you okay? Stay strong for eomma" I looked at Jay who had tears running down his face "we'll find you angel, trust appa."

I heard a whimper on the other side "awh how cute well if you ever want to see your daughter again bring me Jiwoo, I'll send you the location don't be long~" he cackled and hung up.

I looked at Jay shaking "w-what do we do?!" He held my fragile body and rubbed my back "I'll get my men on him, we'll get our daughter back" I trembled in his arms as I put all my faith in him. Why now?!


Complicated love *Jay ff*Where stories live. Discover now