2 big old idiots 😑

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Jiwoo POV
I walked in absolutely exhausted and headed towards the kitchen, I filled myself a glass of water and looked out the window as I drank when I felt a warm pair of arms wrap around my waist "hey Jakey~"

He snuggled his face into my hair making me giggle as his nose brushed my back "I missed you soo much" I giggled and turned to face him "I missed you too but it's your fukin fault for leaving me" I pouted as he chuckled and pecked my lips "I'm sorry baby" I leaned into his arms feeling security in them.

Jake traced circles on my back "you know Mijoo won't be home till tomorrow morning so why don't we have some us time" Jake pulled back and smirked cheekily as he waited for a response "but you parents-" "out with Noona" I fiddled with my fingers before nodding "okie" he immediately swept me into his arms as he ran upstairs like a little kid.

We got to our room and he placed me on the bed carefully, he threw his shirt off and hovered over me shirtless making my eyes unconsciously look at his well toned abs "pretty" I traced my fingers along his abs as he chuckled "baby you can't call my abs pretty their sexy" he puffed his chest proud making me roll my eyes "sexy my ass."

He chuckled and squeezed my ass "very sexy" I covered my face shyly "THATS NOT WHAT I MEANT" he chuckled and placed his soft lips on mine for a short kiss but as he tried to pull back I held his neck making him smirk against my lips.

His large hands went to the bottom of my shirt as he fiddled with it before ripping it off "that was new~" he chuckled and attached his lips with mine again.

I let him trace his kisses down from my jaw to my neck to my chest as he started sucking allowing me to release a moan, his hands held my ass before he slowly pulled off my trousers leaving me in my bra and panties.

"Awh your wearing the bra and panties I got you" he looked me up and down pleased making my face turn red embarrassed "Jakey stop it" he chuckled and pecked my nose before continuing.

I walked in to my house and sighed tiredly before heading upstairs to my room when a weird noise stopped me, I furrowed my brows walking towards the sound coming from Jakes room?

I put my ear to the door listening "awh your wearing the bra and panties I got you" wtf? Is Jake cheating on Jiwoo? "Jakey stop it" fuk my hopes my younger brother is messing around with my ex 💀.

They can't have sex right? Fuk what if they fuk while I'm RIGHT HERE?!? I can't let him have her, I promised to wait but fuk I'm jealous brah 😑 I started thinking of a way to get them to stop YES I GOT IT.

I contemplated for a second.....fuk it, I barged in to find my brother on top of the love of my life "OMG JAY?!?!" Jiwoo hurriedly covered herself with the blanket as they both looked at me horrified but yk whatever 🤷‍♀️.

I walked to the bed and sat next to Jiwoo "wtf are you doing Jay?!?" Jiwoo stared at me in complete disgust like she wasn't just about to fuk my brother 😒.

"There's a spider in my room and I ain't sleeping in there until it's gone so I'll sleep with you two tonight" I smiled brightly and lay down next to Jiwoo "night" I closed my eyes when I got hit in the face with a pillow. Lovely.

I looked at Jiwoo waiting "Jay I am in MY BRA AND FUKIN PANTS" I shrugged and made myself comfy "I've seen worse" her face dropped making me chuckle "Jay~" she sat back giving up heh I always win 😁.

Jiwoo POV
I literally wanna kill myself right fukin now I mean who tf barges in on someone when their almost bloody naked Jesus, I looked at Jake for him to do something but he shrugged "I ain't getting rid of the spider Ji" I facepalmed at these two pussies.

I stood up and picked up my silk robe wrapping it around my body to feel less exposed "fine I'll deal with the spider OKAY?!?!" They both looked at me like two kids waiting for their mother to save their poor asses.

I sighed before walking over to Jays room, I searched the room but there was nothing "where tf is this lil shit" I looked in the corners of the room cuz that's were spiders love to chill for some reason.

I finally found the little bastard on the ceiling corner so I stood on a stool to catch it "come here ya little bastard" I cupped in and put a paper under so I could throw it out.

I went over to the window and threw it "bai bai Mr Spider" I waved at the tiny insect before walking back to my two other kids wait no sorry I mean my pussy ex and boyfriend.

I walked in proudly "it's gone now get your ass out" he shook his head scared "no I'm staying here for a night, what if it left it's babies and they crawl on my face while I'm sleeping WAIT what if they enter my mouth and eat me from the inside out????" wtf?!

I pinched my nose stressed "gosh fine Jake let's go" but he shook his head "I don't wanna be eaten by a spider" I tilted my head HES A GROWN ASS MAN "really? You too? Gosh fine I'll sleep there alone you two can cuddle each other to sleep, night" I sighed and walked towards Jays room, soo much for a steamy night with my fiancé 🙄.


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