chapter 19 : carrion

Start from the beginning

With a thoughtful hum, Logan crossed his arms, his gaze fixed on Debbie. "I'll call Tony and see if he heard anything from Lip," Fiona announced, making her way to the kitchen. This left Logan with the blonde woman, who seemed as perplexed as he was by the unfolding events.

Logan had followed quickly into the kitchen with Fiona making her way quickly towards the phone and picking it up. "Hey, Tony- ha-" Fiona smiled while she was on the phone, and the white boy crossed her arms. "They're what?!"

The very next day, Ian and Lip found themselves in a predicament that Steve had orchestrated to earn Lip some extra money. Despite their efforts, it took them hours to extricate themselves from the situation. Fiona, aided by Tony and Owen, worked tirelessly to secure their release, with Owen providing financial support.

Upon learning of the boys' incarceration, Owen promptly funded their bail, sparing no expense to get them out of prison. Lip and Ian emerged from jail, greeted by a mix of hugs, punches, and concern from family members. The absence of Amelia did not go unnoticed by Lip, who questioned Fiona about her whereabouts.

Ian, sensing Lip's unspoken concern, turned to Fiona. "Where's Amelia? I expected her to be here."

A pregnant pause settled over the group, and Kevin exchanged glances with Fiona, contemplating the right moment to deliver the news. Lip, sensing something amiss, furrowed his brow. "Where is Amelia, Fi?" he asked directly.

"Alright, seems like I need to be the buzzkill," Kevin interjected. "She's being held at Insight, for an overdose."

Lip rushed past them without hesitation, heading towards the hospital just 20 minutes away. The group remained in stunned silence, aware that Lip could not be stopped.

Inside Insight, Amelia lay on a bed, connected to a tub for drug removal. Owen anxiously awaited updates on his daughter, while Lucy entered the room, conflicted about her emotions. Placing a hand on Owen's shoulder, she urged him to come home.

"They said she shouldn't even wake this week; we have to continue," Lucy conveyed, her emotions tangled. The doctors had been sparing with information, revealing only that Amelia had overdosed on cocaine, oxy, and vodka.

Lucy, initially resentful and viewing her daughter as attention-seeking, distanced herself. The rhythmic beeping of machines echoed through the room, separated by closed glass doors and curtains.

"She's our daughter, Lucy," Owen asserted.

Lucy, arms crossed, remained silent, visibly annoyed. Striding to the clipboard attached to Amelia's bed, she tore off the reasons for admission and discarded them.

"You can't do that," Owen protested.

"They have it on standby," Lucy responded defiantly, discarding the paper and grappling with her conflicting emotions.

The curtains swung open, revealing Fiona. "Lip's not here?" she inquired, focusing on Owen.

Owen shook his head. "Didn't he just get out?"

"Yeah, and now we can't find him," Fiona disclosed, peering through the curtains to see the anxious crowd waiting outside the clear doors, hoping to catch a glimpse of Lip in the room.

Outside the hospital, Vinnie lingered in the shadows, away from the front entrance where smoking would be deemed inappropriate. Snowflakes gracefully descended, softly landing on the ground and forming a delicate layer. From around the corner emerged a determined Lip, who, after checking Vinnie's house and finding it vacant, deduced the only place he could be.

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