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More wisps of smoke covered the atmosphere, hiding his expression and face, and Black could feel his hair standing on its ends. His eyes widened in surprise once more. King was enraged; livid would be a better word.

He was aware of Jeremiah's significance to him, which implied that Jemimah was also significant to him. Although she was unaware of it, someone was constantly watching over the latter from the shadows, safeguarding her from the moment she set foot in CUA, per King's order. This time, she had been implicated because of him, and she had broken down in such a way that worried him, and now they had discovered that King was the cause.

"Are you angry at yourself for not being careful?" Black inquired, leaning back in his chair and stretching his leg. He had no doubts that King would swing his leg at him the next moment for asking such a question. King despised mistakes, and now he had made one that had landed Jemimah, someone innocent in hot water.

"Are you looking for trouble?" Micah asked back, and Black felt his spine straighten.

"What are you going to do?" he asked again.

"Ask the boys to check if she is still in her office," Micah said monotonously, dropping his cigarette in the ashtray next to him.

"Okay," Black said, pausing and weighing whether to continue speaking, "it is not your fault, at least not entirely your fault, that Jemimah is trouble. Who would have guessed that freak of a Professor would notice some damned chocolates? And what were the coincidences that Professor Farida would start taking some of her classes and the coincidence that she was eating that same chocolate while speaking to her?" Black asked no one in particular, shaking his head.

"Gosh, this woman is nuts. What if Jemima had also bought the chocolates out of the blues and didn't even know you?" He kept asking, which seemed to worsen Micah's mood.

"Abraham," Micah said, and Black bolted from his seat and out the door.

Micah stared wordlessly at the bolting figure and threw his head backward. As his coffee-brown eyes remained fixed on the ceiling, no one could guess what was going through his mind. A hiss escaped his lips, and then a familiar face peered through the door.

"King, she is at the office," Black's voice said, and Micah leapt to his feet.

"Start the car," he said as he walked down the hall toward his room. He opened the wardrobe and grabbed one of the shirts, pulling his arms through it without butting at all.

By the time he stepped outside, Black had driven the car towards the gate. Someone shut the door behind him after he opened it. Black didn't think twice before pressing down on the accelerator and speeding out of the compound. He cast a sidelong glance at Micah, who was staring at him blankly. His previous murderous aura had vanished, but Black knew better. This boss of his had something planned in his head.

"What are you going to do when we get there?" Black inquired, and Micah maintained his blank expression.

"What do you think I should do?" Micah inquired, and Black groaned inwardly. Micah replying to his questions with questions was something King did whenever he had something dangerous planned in mind. He shuddered quietly while shaking his head.

"It is up to you, King," he said, his side glance catching the tips of Micah's lips tilting and almost slamming on the brake. He drove slowly into the Faculty of Medical Sciences and parked the car. Micah got out of the car and took long strides towards Farida's office, his shirt flapping in the wind behind him. Black knew Micah was going to take Professor Farida's head off, so he jogged to catch up.

She had dared to do something that no one else had. She had punished someone for eating the same chocolates as King, and unfortunately for her, the girl was King's school's younger sister. She had not only picked on her in class, but she had also failed her. Black shook his head repeatedly at her foolishness.

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