12 ' TWELVE '

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Despite the fact she was tired, Jemima found herself scrolling through her phone for the next three hours. She was shocked when she got an Instagram notification that Heraline had tagged her. She clicked on the post and surprise fitted across her face seeing that Heraline had posted several pictures about the party, there were two pictures of her and Herlaine and there were already over hundred comments in less than three minutes of making the post. One could easily say they had been waiting for her to make the post.

She chuckled upon realising that a lot of people were making comments about her and dropping all sorts of compliments, feeling giddy, she posted the slide containing her and Heraline to her story and tagged her. Heraline immediately made the post to her story and within minutes, Jemima found her follower count increasing and message requests popping on her screen.

Ignoring most of the requests, she went ahead to take a short bath at past 2am in the morning. She brought out new bedsheets from her wardrobe and spread them on the floor before lying on them and covering herself. She didn't have to whisper to the goddess of sleep before she took her away.

Doyin was the one who had woken her up the next morning, they had both dressed up amidst bants and jests, and rushed for their first early morning class. No matter the face she made, Paul or Peter, especially Peter didn't smile at her. By the time the lecturer was leaving the class, Doyin quickly blocked the twins' passway pouting.

"I didn't know I was going to get that drunk easily" Doyin whined and Paul scoffed.

"You didn't know? Do yin, how many times have you actually had access to alcohol?" Paul asked.

"How many drinks or rather how many cups did you have and you didn't realise that you were going to get drunk?" Paul asked again.

"I'm sorry okay" Doyin replied, apologising and grabbing Peter's hands, swinging it like a small child.

"Peter say something, '' she whined. The latter turned to her with a scowl.

"What if something had happened to you?" Peter asked and Doyin sighed softly.

"I'm really sorry. I just wanted to play games and...." Doyin tried to reply but Peter cut her off amidst her reply.

"Play games with strangers and have fun at someone's party whom you've never had a conversation with before" Peter muttered.

"Jemima was there so I ended up fine okay" Doyin repleid and Peter scoffed again.

"What if she drank too? What did you think would happen to you two?" Peter asked and Doyin sighed again throwing playful punches to Peter while pouting.

"Peter, I turned out fine okay" Doyin replied in a small voice and Paul waved his phone at the two girls.

"Well ButterFly Fairy made a post and there was you Doyin playing games and drinking and Jemima talking to Isa and some other pictures, pictures of Jemima carrying you into the hostel and pictures of Jemima carrying you at the party while talking to Isa and Heraline" Paul announced and Jemima winced.

"What the ..." she muttered, unable to finish her statement while collecting Paul's phone and scrolling through the post.

"Heck, I didn't even know who Isa was until Bimbo mentioned who he was, what does this goddamn bastard mean by I tried to fit in?" Jemima asked, giving Paul back his phone and rubbing her forehead. Doyin, who had also brought out her phone and was also reading the post, chuckled.

"That's what you get for playing games with strangers" Peter started.

"Imagine a total idiot who doesn't even know you writing some jargons online" He added and Jemima rubbed her forehead.

"Whoever this Butterfly Fairy is, he or she is starting to get on my nerves" Doyin replied with a frown.

"Look Paul, Doyin was wrong for drinking and playing games with strangers but it's really alright, at least she was fine when I found her and she's still fine now" Jemima said and Peter shrugged his shoulders.

"I know, I was just really worried last night. '' Peter replied and Jemima winked at him.

"We are fine as you can see," Jemima said, bringing out her phone to show off the nice compliments she had gotten under Heraline's posts.

"So Heraline made several posts about her party yesterday and I was in two slides, you need to see how everyone was fawning over me" Jemima started laughing playfully while clicking on Heraline's posts. A small frown greased her face as she scrolled through the comment section.

"What's going on?" Doyin asked, peering into her phone.

"The comments are gone, '' Jemima replied.

"Gone?" Paul asked and Jemima nodded, scrolling through her gallery and showing Doyin and the boys a screenshot of the comments she had taken the day before.

"What's going on?" Doyin asked.

"The comments about you were actually deleted, '' she added and Jemima suddenly chuckled.

"I feel like this is Jeremiah's work. He doesn't let so many people look at his younger sister" Jemima said and Peter laughed.

"Then he has some serious sister complex" Peter said and Jemima nodded her head laughing.

"I can assure you that he definitely has it. '' Jemima replied, agreeing as she closed her Instagram app and shook her head. She quickly sent Jeremiah a message attaching the post before and the screenshot she had taken.

"You are sending him a message?" Paul asked and Jemima asked.

"Grab your bag, we have another class at Prof Henry's LT" Paul announced and Jemima nodded, stretching her hand to pick her bag but Peter was faster than her, picking up the bag and slinging it over his shoulders easily.

"Boyfriend material, 1000 yards" Jemima hollered and both her and Doyin burst into laughter while the twins merely glanced at each other and shook their heads.

"I'm also sending a message to the family group to tell my parents that my elder brother is seriously ruining my chances of finding a boyfriend, '' Jemima said laughing while the trio behind her paused in their steps. Jemima was quick to notice they had stopped and turned to them with raised eyebrows.

"What's going on?" she asked.

"What did you say just now?" Paul asked.

"I said I was going to send a message to the family group and tell my parents, my elder brother is ruining my chances of getting a boyfriend, '' Jemima replied.

"You know getting the comments off Heraline's post" she added.

"Wow" Doyin breathed and Jemima folded her arms.

"What's wow?" Jemima asked.

"Your parents' baby girl" Peter replied.

"Your parents are amazing people" he added and Jemima chuckled a huge smile spreading all over her face.

"They are twice as amazing than you think they are"


Hello guysssssss; who missed meeeeeee? I missed reading you guys comments and you guys tooo. FUTA is pinning my neck against the wall and I absolutely have no idea how I made time to write this. I hope you forgive me for the chapter being short.

My exams start next week as long ASUU doesn't go on strike with their new found issue with FG; I'm tired of these people. And if they do; all the best to them, me gan I'm tired.

You guys who claimed that Doyin is ButterFly Fairy; I'm waiting for your conjectures on this one. And I'm also curious about who deleted Jemima's comments under Heraline's post. 

Wish me luck and I love you guysss. 

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