01 '𝑂𝑁𝐸 '

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Jemimah stared at the tall dark handsome guy in front of her blinking her big brown eyes in the process. Ignoring the crowd of guys that had crowded around her and the tomboy who was standing beside him glaring hatefully at her; she took a deep breath closing her eyes and releasing it slowly, lifting her eyelids as well.

"Micah, I want you to listen to me" Jemimah started swallowing her saliva. She needed to say what was deep down in her heart. The things she had buried deeply in her heart never to be exposed to anyone unless she wanted to.

For a long time, she had refused to admit her feelings, she had refused to believe that he was the one. Over and over again, she had assured herself that he wasn't the one, that the tiny squeamish feelings and butterflies she felt will go away. That the comfortable and relaxed feeling she got around him would disappear. That she would treat him like every other one of her guy friends but that didn't happen.

But they didn't, they grew everyday; she believed she was crazy. Of course she was. She couldn't dare to tell anyone. How she fall in love with a cultist? And not just with an ordinary cultist; the most deadliest of them all No way!

But she did fall in love with him and at this point, Jemimah knew that if she continued to keep or deny these feelings and lock them up; she wouldn't be able to endure them any longer and at a point would be unable to hide it. So today, she had to let him know.

His charcoal black eyes didn't leave her while staring at her quietly. Even as much as he was curious about what she wanted to say; neither his eyes nor his face expressions portrayed his inner thoughts. But her next words did make that perfect sculptured face crack.

"I like you" Jemimah said shaking her head and throwing her arms up in the air.

"I sound crazy, I know. I know that I sound super crazy or rather I am crazy. To be honest; for a while I refused to admit it. That I fell in love with a cultist, that I fell in love with you. I refused to believe it. I mean you....." Jemimah paused thinking for the right words to say while throwing her arms up in the air and then letting them drop limply beside her and then raising her head to look to meet his coffee brown eyes again.

"But then I realized something; that whether you are a cultist or not; you are just you. You are just Micah" Jemimah said her face expressions further explaining her words and thoughts.

"I'll be sincere and honest Micah; I don't know what tomorrow holds for you; what tomorrow holds for me or what it holds for you and me but there's one thing I know and I'm sure of. That I want to be with you" Jemimah added sighing.

"I love you Micah" Jemimah added softly.

Never in her life did Jemimah imagine that she would say such words to someone. That 'someone' could have been anyone but Obaniyi Micah was so out of the equation.

Two months ago, if someone had told her she would say such words to him; she would have vehemently disagreed with such a person. But here was she saying those very words.

Two months ago, she would shiver and take to her heels upon hearing his name. She would get panic attacks when in the same space with him.

Two months well.........


Jemimah yawned as soon as the PHY 101 lecturer packed his notes and walked out of the class. Running her eyes over her note and the few points she had jotted down; she made a mental note to ask her brother about his own note else; Jemimah was sure she would be chewing her biro in the test hall. She grabbed the pen recorder beside her and turned it off.

The Lecture theater was quick to turn rowdy and noisy as the students stood up and started exiting the hall. Knowing fully well that any of their lecturers could go bonkers and decided to fix a class the next minute, she packed her books into her tote bag; draping it over her shoulder as she walked out of the hall.

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