11 ' ELEVEN '

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Pulling a drunk Doyin with her as she walked outside gave off a funny impression as the latter kept walking fast or too slow and twice almost tumbled them both together.

By the time they were outside the party; Jemima brought out her phone again to glance at the message that buzzed on her phone earlier. The Bolt driver had left; she doubted if the school security would even allow private cars into the school by that time.

Only students with influence or school transportation which will never be available would be allowed into the school premises. For a moment, Jemima regretted letting her anger get the better part of her, Isa would have no problem driving them to the hostel.

"You know; I didn't even know who the first President of Nigeria was?" Doyin continued blabbering and Jemima chuckled.

"You didn't know?" She asked eyeing Doyin before shaking her head. She glanced at her phone again to see another message from Peter asking them if they had gotten back to the hostel yet. She was intentionally ignoring his messages because she knew she would be putting the twins into a state of worry by telling them their predicament.

If she was all by herself, or if Doyin wasn't drunk; they could have come up with ways to get back to the hostel but with Doyin being unable to stand by herself or even think reasonably; there was no way they would get back to the hostel without external help.

"Hey Jemima!" Someone called and Jemima turned to see a familiar face. She didn't even realize a helpless smile had crawled up her lips.

"Abraham" she greeted smiling.

"What are you doing here?" He sled leaning over and giving her a small hug.

"My bolt driver betrayed me" Jemima replied wearing a mournful face and Black burst into laughter.

"Let me be a reliable bolt driver," he replied, winking at her while shaking his head.

"Your friend certainly doesn't know how to hold her alcohol" he muttered and Jemima rolled her eyes laughing.

"I didn't know why she chose to play some stupid games in the first place" Jemima replied pulling Doyin with her while wincing. Without another word; Black reached for Doyin and carried her in a bridal style walking in clear steps towards the car.

Surprised for a moment, Jemima quickly jogged up to him chuckling lightly.

"How much do you work out?" She asked falling into steps beside Black as he stopped beside a Black Rangerover.

"The key is in my left pocket," Black replied, turning his left pocket towards her. Jemima nodded her head, slipping her hands into his pockets and bringing out the keys and unlocking the car. Black carefully placed an already dozing Doyin at the back seat.

Both Doyin and Black got into the front seat and driver's seat and Black started the car reversing out of the car park into the Main Street.

"A lot, I work out a lot" Black replied and Jemima nodded her head.

"I envy you" Jemima muttered laughing and texting Peter who had sent about five more messages that they were on their way back to the hostel.

"I didn't know you got invited to Heraline's party" Jemima started trying to start a conversation.

"I did get invited but I just came to drop someone off" Black replied.

"King?" Jemima asked with an eyebrow raised and Black burst into laughter.

"How did you know?" He asked with an amused face.

"A guess. I remember you mentioning me the last time you picked me up" Jemima replied and the latter nodded his head.

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