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Even after recognizing him, Jemimah still found herself mesmerized. She almost couldn't believe someone could be outstandingly handsome without even making an effort. But the other person had merely glanced at her and said nothing before walking towards the door and opening it.

"Go pick your stuff" It wasn't until after he had spoken that Jemima finally moved from where she was standing. Several questions were running through her mind and Jemima didn't know which one of them to ask first. She gave him a small smile and stepped into the apartment.

Jeremiah had always been a neat freak so she wasn't surprised when the apartment was extremely neat and arranged. She walked past the seating room and headed straight to his bedroom. Four different fancy bags laid by the doorstep and Jemima bent down in one swoop she was already carrying the bags and heading for the door.

Micah chuckled seeing Jemimag holding the bags to herself and with one movement, lifted the bags off her hands and started walking towards the car giving Jemima another view of his back. Jemima didn't think she had stared at anyone she was staring at Micah her entire life. She just couldn't understand how someone could be soooo...

She quickly brought out her phone sending a text to Jeremiaha and asking where he knew and where he had met such a handsome boy. Micah was back in barely two minutes meeting Jemima's eyes.

"Are you done?" he asked and Jemima nodded her head.

"Yes I am" she replied pursuing her lips.

"How do you know my brother?" Jemima asked and Micah turned the lock of the door to meet Jemima's black eyes.

"You should ask your brother. Let's go" Micah replied and Jemima chuckled nodding her head.

"I will. That young man has a lot of explaining to do" Jemima replied walking behind Micah out of the gate. She got into the front seat while Micah got into the driver's seat. Without another word, he had reversed and was already driving out of the street.

"Say something," Jemima said after a while. She had long realized that she just absolutely loved hearing this guy speak, She had no idea who he was but she wanted to hear him speak, she had swooned over the lesser than a few sentences he had spoken. She turned to him watching how his coffee-brown eyes swept over her in one gaze.

"What do you want me to say?" He asked his face still as blank as the first time she had seen him.

"What's your name?" Jemima asked.

"Micah, that's my name" Micah replied and Jemima chuckled.

"We have something in common" Jemima announced proudly while Micah turned to the girl beside him, his lips almost lifting in what someone would call an amused smile.

"What do we have in common?" he asked genuinely curious.

"Our names. Micah is a book in the Bible but it's unusual and you would rarely find someone with that name well you are the first. And my name, Jemima, I had to convince everyone my name was a Biblical name, I didn't even know Job had daughters" Jemima replied and Micah pursed his lips nodding his head.

"See, you agree with me," Jemima said with a proud smile on her lips.

"So you are in what department?" Jemima continued asking.

"Civil Engineering" Micah replied and Jemima was too busy staring at his well-sculptured face to realize that all the guards at the gate had formed one line and standing like they were about to receive the President of the United States as Micah drove in.

"Civil Engineering? You don't look like Civil Engineering Micah, not one bit" Jemima said laughing.

"What do I look like?" Micah asked finding himself curious at whatever came out of Jemima's mouth.

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