The Day After

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Y/N had no idea where he was right now. When he opened his eyes, he found himself floating in nothingness. There was nothing but black space around him and he couldn't see anything there no matter how many times he looked around an attempt of locating anything or anyone else in this place. The h/c haired boy had to admit this to himself. He really hoped something about this situation will change as the thought of floating in a black empty space for who knows how long wasn't really appealing to him.

He got what he was waiting for a second later as his surroundings had changed. Changed into something he was more than familiar with from his past. He found himself in what appeared to be a classroom. It didn't took him long to recognize this classroom. It was a place he hadn't been in in a long time and a place he hoped he wouldn't have to visit again. This classroom was the very same classroom he had his classes in during his time in Aldera Junior High.

The h/c haired boy looked around himself, not knowing what to think or do right now as he found himself in the place he had so many bad memories from. Upon realizing where he was right now, all of it came running back to him. All the comments. All the remarks. All the jokes about him at his expense. All the time he held back tears during classes. All the the time Bakugo mistreated him in front everyone and everyone turned a blink eye to it.

Y/N lowered his gaze to the floor, feeling all of those unpleasant memories hitting him like a truck and clenched his hand. Why was he in this place again? He promised himself that he won't find himself in it ever again. Just like he did with the L/N household after overhearing his parents talking about how they wished he was never was born. Why was he here right now out of all possible places? He didn't want to be here...

"Brings back memories, huh?" Y/N's eyes widened at the sound of this voice, recognizing it right away as this voice was something he had grown familiar to over the course of his life. With his suprise caused by the sound of it remaining evident on his face, he slowly turned around to face the source of his and his eyes widened further when he saw the person this voice belonged to.

He instantly recognized the person he had just laid his eyes on as what he saw was himself. He saw himself from the times he wasn't the Mask and was a Quirkless teen attending Aldera Junior High with hopes of a normal life instead. Many features of his past self made him believe it was him from the said time period. His hair was as long as it used to be back in Aldera Junior High and his face scar was nowhere to be seen. His past self wore the school uniform this school as well

"Do you really need to ask me such obvious questions? You really can't recognize me?" His younger self asked him, looking almost offended by the question, "I'm you. But from the past. I thought your Aldera classroom will make the answer obvious to you."

Y/N backed away from his past self, visibly disturbed and unnerved by the view of him, "What do you want from me?"

Y/N's past self placed his hand on his chin with a thoughtful look on his face, "What do I want from you? Hmm. Let's see. Let's wonder about the answer fo a bit.."

Y/N stared at his past self in thought, growing more unnerved by the silence as he stopped in his tracks from a second, "Come on. Tell me."

"I just want to talk." His past self provided him an answer a second later as he got up from his seat and pushed himself into walk towards Y/N , slowly beginning to make his way towards him.

Y/N glanced away from him, "Talk? Talk about what? I have nothing to talk with you."

"Really? I doubt it." Y/N's past self shook his head, looking doubtful of it as he continued to make his way towards his current self, "From what I know, we have a lot to talk about."

Villains Aren't Born (My Hero Academia x Villain! Male Reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora