Dabi and Himiko Toga

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Not much happened after Shigaraki and Y/N were brought back into the bar by Kurogiri's portal. After finding himself back in the bar, Y/N went straight to his room to prepare himself for some much needed as he felt like he could use some sleep after this rather long day. Origami followed him to his room, wanting to learn more about the events that occured in Hosu City from him. The two of them talked with each other for a bit and Y/N shared every detail he could with her, before parting ways and going to their own rooms where they laid down on their beds and went to sleep.

After waking up in their beds the next morning, the two of them went to the bar to ask Kurogiri if he could make them something to eat for breakfast and once they arrived at the bar, they were greeted by the view of Shigaraki and Kuroigiri watching the news report about the events in Hosu City together. Curious to learn about what the media thought about the events that the events that took place in Hosu City last night, the two of them joined their fellow villains in watching the report.

It turned out that Stain was the main subject of the news and Nomus which were unleashed into the city by Shigaraki last night were just mentioned brieftly, becoming a side story of the report about the events which took place in Hosu City last night which wasn't talked about as much as the story of the Hero Killer was.

Shigaraki was left furious by this, just like Kurogiri and Y/N excepted him to be after learning of Nomus attack becoming a side story as the reason why he unleashed Nomus into the city was to take the spotlight for himself and make people forget about the Hero Killer. It instead worked the other way around and Stain took the spotlight while he and his Nomus were left in the background.

Despise Shigaraki being furious over how the things in Hosu City turned out, Y/N and Kurogiri managed to convince him that even though their involvement was secondary and was overshadowed by the Hero Killer's arrest, it was still a necessary boost. At first, Shigaraki was refusing to listen to them as he wanted to left himself in his own angered feelings but eventually Y/N and Kurogiri managed to convince him to not write off sending Nomus into Hosu City as a complete failure.

As the members of the League continued to watch the morning news together, they found out that the moment of Y/N's arrival at the water tower moments before Kurogiri transported all three of them back into the bar was documented by the news helicopter. Origami nodded her head to herself after seeing the photo of Shigaraki, Kurogiri and Y/N on the news. In the end, keeping her in the bar during all of this was a good call because otherwise her association with the League would become known.

The news helicopter noticing Shigaraki, Y/N and Kurogiri standing together on the water tower during everything that happened last night made the media believe that Stain was working with them which was of course far away from the truth as Stain displayed no interest in working with the League until Shigaraki will change his conviction. Kurogiri and Y/N didn't complain about this mistake by the media and were in fact gladdened by it as maybe this way more villains would display interest in joining the League which was quite likely considering the amount of publicity Stain gathered around himself.

On the same day, Y/N discovered that a video of Stain which explained his ideology and his life story has been uploaded into the internet by an unknown person when he was browsing the internet. The video has been removed from the internet countless times, but it was always re-uploaded by either the same person or someone else. Y/N had no way of telling it. It gave him an opportunity to watch this video a few times and read what the people thought about Stain and his ideology in the comments.

Some time has been a while since that night in Hosu City and the members of the League were in their hideout. Not much happened in the League ever since the events of Hosu City. The days passed for the members of the League in their usual way such as Y/N and Origami training together to improve their skills with nothing worth mentioning happening during all of those days.

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