The Fury of the Mask

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Y/N ignored everything around him, all the noise caused by whatever was going on below him and outside the mansion falling deaf on his ears as he cared about only one thing right now. Going to the gym and meeting up with Rappa, Minene, Daiki and Arasaka where they will plan out their next move. Whatever was going to happen after meeting up with them soon, he knew was certain about one thing. He was not looking forward to the conversation with Rappa where he will fill him in on what happened with Tengai and Twice, especially the former.

The h/c haired boy clenched his hand angrily at the thought of Twice and Tengai, feeling how all the emotions of bloodlust and rage were still in his body as he once again thought about what happened to them. He still couldn't believe they were dead. His clenched fist slowly began to shake as he did his best to control his anger, knowing now it wasn't the time and he should save it for when he will enter the battlefield. Whenever it may be after he will reunite with Rappa, Minene, Daiki and Arasaka.

He felt himself growing guilty as his thoughts remained on Twice and Tengai. His mind was filled with the thought of how differently things could go with Tengai and Twice if he did something differently. If he went with Tengai to get Twice, then perharps he could have done something to stop Hawks to prevent it from happening and Tengai and Twice would still be alive. His grew further If he didn't fail notice to see Hawks doing something behind the scenes, then none of this would have happen and the heroes wouldn't be attacking them right now.

He let out a deep exhale, feeling like he had failed as a co-commander of this army to keep everything safe enough to stop an event like this from happening. It was his duty as a co-commander to keep everything safe and yet he failed to notice Hawks doing something behind the scenes. He failed at everything Shigaraki had entrursted him with when he left him in charge of everything and everyone were now suffering consequences of it. With Twice and Tengai being being unfortunate enough to be caught in those consequences.

His mind focused itself on Hawks a second later. All the feelings of guilt faded away in an instant as soon as the number two hero crossed his mind. He knew about their plans and knew their plans were to make the operation as clean as possible and yet it did not stop him from killing two of his friends. Even if he warned him what would happen to him if he tried to harm anyone from the League. It left him certain with only one thought in his mind. Hawks was a dead man walking. No matter how and when it will happen, he will get his hands on Hawks and will kill him.

It was when a new thought crossed his mind as he set his thoughts on Shigaraki and Ujiko. If Hawks told the heroes about the Paranormal Liberation Front, then there was a huge possibility he could have somehow about Shigaraki and Ujiko's location and tell everyone around it. He didn't know how could Hawks find out about it, but it was still a possibility and he couldn't brush it aside. There was a huge possibility they could have been under attack now and or were moments away from getting attacked.

He had to contact them and warn them of what was about to come and tell them what was happening at the mansion right now. If they weren't under attack right now or weren't discovered by the heroes, then they could have been a great help in fixing the situation here as Ujiko could send them some Nomus from the laboratory to help them. Even if the High Ends wouldn't be at their top power as they would be awake for long, the other Nomus would still be a great help to them.

"Doctor! Can you hear me?" He called out for the Doctor, pushing himself out of his silent state as he touched his earpiece and received no answer from him in return. He shook his head to himself, trying to call out for the eldery man a few more times and silence was the only answer he was getting from him. The h/c haired boy felt himself growing worried on what was happening the Doctor and Shigaraki right now as Ujiko always replied to his calls right away, "Dammit..."

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