Origami Jakuzure

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Origami Jakuzure opened her eyes when she woke up from her slumber. She let out a yawn as she sat up on her bed and stretched. She rubbed her eyes and looked around herself, allowing herself to take a good look at the room she was in right now, excepting to see her room just like she did whenever she was lucky enough to not get locked out of her house by her mother.

Much to her suprise, she didn't found herself in her room. She instead found herself in some poor looking room. It was when her eyes widened as she realized something. Everything that happened last night wasn't a dream. It all really happened. She did agree to come with a masked villain whoch recently appeared frequently in the media after her mother really locked her out of the house for another night.

She recalled where she was right now shorty after the memories of everything that happened last night flew through her head. The boy from last night took her to some hotel on the other side of the city where all kinds of shady people who had something to do with the criminal underworld were staying for the night. Upon arriving the hotel, the boy had a brief conversation with a man who must have been the owner of this place, but she didn't know what was the subject of their conversation.

She looked around herself for another time after this realization, trying to spot this villain who turned out to be a boy her age anywhere. He was nowhere to be seen. She instead saw a piece of paper laying on the bed next to her. There was something written on it, but she couldn't make out the letters from her bed. It didn't took her long to realize that the boy from last night left it for her.

Wanting to know what was written on the paper, she got up from her bed, touching the floor with her barefeet. She walked over to the bed next to her and picked up the piece of paper from it, reading the message which was written on it.

"I went out for a moment to get us something to eat for breakfast. I'll be back soon."

The dark green haired girl nodded her head to herself as she put the message back on the bed, now knowing where the boy from last night was right now. She shifted her attention from the note to the door on the other side of the room which was leading to the bathroom. She walked over to the door and pushed it open before entering the bathroom, wanting to prepare herself for the day.

She closed the door behind her and locked it, not wanting anyone to enter the bathroom when she'll be inside it. She walked over to the sink with the intention of brushing her teeth, but quickly gave up on it as she realized she didn't have any toothpaste and toothbrush she could use to brush her teeth. Unable to brush her teeth, she walked away from the sink and walked over to the shower.

She turned the shower on for a second to check the state of water. After ensuring the water was in a good condition, she turned the water off and she began preparing herself for her shower. It didn't took her long to prepare herself for her shower. She put her pyjama and her undergarments away from the shower as she didn't want get to weat because those were the only clothes she had right now.

She walked into the shower and once again turned the water on, allowing the warm water slid down her body. She picked up a soap and began to cover her whole body with it a second later. As the warm water proceeded to wash the soap she had just covered herself with off her body, she let out a sigh as she began to think about her home life and about how everything around her fell apart after she accidentally killed her dad.

The happy home which was filled with smiles and laughter was gone. Her mother wasn't the loving and kind woman who loved her child more than anything she used to be anymore. She didn't saw her as her only daughter anymore and instead saw her as a monster who made her life worse and should have never been born. Her mother made sure to remind her about what she had done at every chance she got, calling her all kinds of names a parent shouldn't use when talking with their child.

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