Camino Ward

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Sandra L/N took a sip of her morning coffee as she stared out of the window of her house at the garden. She truly loved the view of it in the summer morning, even though she wasn't taking care of it herself. The people she was paying to keep it in a good state were certainly doing a job she considered good enough and were worth the money she was paying them.

Her husband Ryoma wasn't accompaying her during her morning coffee, because he already had gone to work. She would join him and leave for work with him, like she normally did, but she had a reason to stay home today. Thankfully, there wasn't much work for her and her husband today so her staying home today was not going to affect their work too much.

"Good morning, sis." A voice sounded behind her, making her shift her attention away from the garden. She turned around towards the source of it and saw a blond haired woman a few years younger than her walking towards her. It was Grace Okuda, her younger sister. She was she reason why she stayed home today instead of going to work on other day. Her sister Grace and her son, Sandra's nephew, Akihiko paid them a visit yesterday and were going to stay in their home for a few days.

Sandra turned away from her sister to look at the garden again, "You finally woke up. I was beginning to think you weren't going to wake up."

Grace chuckled as she walked over to Sandra's side, stretching her limbs as she did so, "I'm just enjoying my days off work. You know I always liked a good sleep on the days when I don't have to do anything. A shame Takuya couldn't join me and Akihiko on this visit. Where's Ryoma, by the way? I can't see him anywhere. I thought he would be with you right now."

"He already left for work." Sandra replied.

"I see. I should have expected it. You two always acted like you were married to your job. I actually feel kinda stupid for asking you such obvious question." Grace smiled at her sister, knowing how big of a workaholic she was, "What about Akihiko? Where is he? I went into his room to check on him shorty after I woke up and I didn't saw him there."

Sandra reached into her pocket with her free hand and pulled out a note. She handed it to her sister a moment later, "He woke up shorty after Ryoma left for his work. He told me to tell you he was heading into the city to hang out with an old friend of his who moved to this city a few years ago. He said he'll come back in a few hours and work in his summer break assignments."

"Okay." Grace nodded in understanding. She chuckled, shaking her head in an amused manner, "Work on his summer break assignments? He's almost done with them. Nothing bad would have happened if he took one today off today. This boy always clings to his schoolwork, even when he doesn't has to."

Sandra clenched her hand upon hearing Grace's words about Akihiko. As much she hated to admit this to herself and will never admit it to anyone out loud because of her pride, she was jealous of her sister whenever the two talked about Akihiko. Her nephew was everything Y/N was supposed to be. Her nephew was everything she birthed Y/N for. He didn't get bullied at school. He had many friends at school. He was successful in his studies and was already making a name for himself. She could already say her nephew was going to be a very successful adult, unlike Y/N.

She clenched her hand tighter as Y/N flew through her mind. She did best not to think about her son ever since the media stopped talking about his case and moved to the new more recent topics. He brought her and her husband enough trouble with his stunt of running away. She and her husband worked tirelessly on making sure his stunt didn't affect the way other people viewed them. 

He still crossed her mind from time to time, despise her not wanting to think about him. Why couldn't he be like Akihiko? She asked herself this one question whenever he crossed her mind. Why couldn't he be anything like his cousin? Why did he always have to excuse himself for everything he was doing badly with the fact he was born Quirkless? Why wasn't he the good son he was supposed to be? Why did she had to put her and her husband through so much of his nonsense talking to the point when she sometimes even had to slap him across the face to shush him, because she couldn't listen to the nonsense he was saying to them anymore.

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