USJ Attack

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A soft exhale left Y/N's mouth as he walked into the bar, wearing everything from his villain costume except for his mask. This was it. The day of the USJ attack had come. Today he was going to find out if all the training he had put himself through ever since he found out about Shigaraki's plans regarding U.A will pay off. The second thoughts of whether this attack was a good idea never left his mind, but it was not going to stop him from doing whatever it takes to prove himself to be useful for his fellow villains from the League.

He spotted Shigaraki and Kurogiri in their usual spots right after entering the bar. His fellow villains seemed ready for the attack as well. Shigaraki had many hands attached to various places all over his body. Y/N was actually slightly suprised by the amount of hands Shigaraki had on himself, because it was the first time when he saw him having so many of those attached to his body. He didn't even know that Shigaraki had so many hands until now. The only hand Shigaraki wasn't wearing at the moment was the hand that he for most of the time had attached to his face.

There was one more thing he noticed in the bar shorty after entering it. He noticed a bizarre figure sitting in the corner of the bar. This figure must have been the Nomu which he found out about from his fellow villains back when they told him about their plans regarding USJ. He didn't took his eyes off of it for a good moment as he wanted to take a good look at the creature which Shigaraki referred to as the "Anti-Symbol of Peace".

He had to admit. Kurogiri wasn't exaggerating when he said that Nomu's appearance made it hard to miss. He immediately noticed it's exposed brain and it's almost beak like face which showed off it's sharp teeth. It's glassy lifeless eyes stared blankly ahead of it. It's appearance was very unnerving to say the least. It looked like a creature that would normally chase you in a nightmare before you'd force yourself to wake up in fear of it reaching you.

His attention was brought away from Nomu a few seconds later by Kurogiri who called out for him. Y/N shifted his attention to him and Shigaraki and walked over to the bar, taking his usual seat next to Shigaraki. Kurogiri asked him if he was ready for the attack to which Y/N replied with an assuring nod of his head. After Y/N took his usual seat in the bar, the group of villains repeated their plan for one last time.

The plan remained the same ever since Y/N learned about it for the first time. They were going to take care of All Might while the other members of the League who Shigaraki referred to as the "Game Pieces" were going to keep the students in the disaster areas occupied. After repeating their plan to themselves for one last time, the group of villains remained in their spots, waiting for the right moment to begin their attack.

The right moment to begin their attack came shorty after. The group of villains began readying themselves to leave the bar right after the clock showed the hour they've been waiting for. Shigaraki picked up his last hand from the table and attached it to his face to cover it and called out for Nomu. Nomu reacted to his command instantly and stood up from the floor, coming closer to him and Y/N, stopping between them.

Y/N put his mask on himself to cover his face, putting the last part of his villain costume on himself as Kurogiri used his Quirk to open a portal in the middle of the bar. The mask wearing villain titled his head to the side to look at Shigaraki once something rang through his ears. Shigaraki let out a crazed laughter as he walked through the portal, entering the place where his plans of killing the Symbol of Peace once and for all were going to become reality. Nomu followed Shigaraki through the portal a second later, vanishing within it with him.

Y/N watched how Shigaraki and Nomu left the bar through the portal and let out another soft exhale, giving himself one last mental preparation for whatever was about to happen in the USJ today, making sure to use his Quirk to the best of his abilities today. He followed Shigaraki and Nomu through the portal and the central area of the USJ appeared in his view a few seconds later as he found himself standing in the middle of it with many various villains from the League walking past him further into the central area.

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