Leaving the Mansion

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Y/N looked behind him the moment he felt the ground below him shaking, looking back into the ruins of the mansion and saw Gigantomachia's hand burst out from the ground. He stared at the scene behind him with a suprised look on her face, realizing what must have happen a few seconds later, because there was only reason why Gigantomachia would wake himself up from his rather long slumber. Shigaraki had woken up.

The h/c haired boy refused to pull his gaze away from the mansion, seeing Gigantomachia climbing himself out from the ground as his head was filled with many thoughts regarding what just happened right now. With Gigantomachia having woken up, he knew it meant one thing regarding Shigaraki. Nothing had happened to him. He was not apprehended even if he and Ujiko were being attacked by heroes as well.

Even if they were being attacked by the heroes right now, it didn't leave Y/N completely worried for Shigaraki as he knew at what level of power Shigaraki was in right now. Ujiko filled him on it a while ago. Even if his powers were not finished because of him still having a month of operations ahead of him, he was already extremely powerful and no match for most of the heroes. If it wasn't for Tengai and Twice dying to Hawks today, then he would almost pity whoever was fighting Shigaraki right now. Right now, however, he couldn't himself to care much on what will happen to whoever was fighting Shgaraki right now.

Minene shifted her attention away from Gigantomachia a second later and set her differently colored eyes back on Y/N, seeing him staring at at Gigantomachia in a pleased silence, "Y/N?"

"...He's awake!" The h/c haired boy smiled for the first time since he learned about Twice and Tengai's deaths. All the pain and anger he had in himself right now faded away for a second as he felt a wave of relief wash over his body. The knowledge of Shigaraki having been awoken was enough to make him forget about Twice and Tengai, even if it was just for a second as he knew his brother was fine.

Minene raised her brow at him, "What?"

Y/N shifted his gaze to her, "Machia is awake! That means Tomura-kun is okay. Those fuckers didn't do what they did to Jin-kun and Tengai-kun! This is the best news I've heard in a while!"

"I see." Minene said in undestanding, smilling slightly at how Y/N's mood seemed to be lifted up by the knowledge of Shigaraki being fine. It was definitely a good change from what she saw from him ever since she learned about what happened to Twice and Tengai. If the purple haired woman was honest with herself, the knowledge of her commander being alright and awake made her happy and relieved as well

"...Guys?" Daiki called out for them as Y/N and Minene stopped themselves in their conversation and shifted their attention to him. They were greeted by the view of Gigantomachia reaching out to them. The massive villain grabbed them a second later, pulling them upwards towards his back. Everyone around Y/N became black for a moment, having been completely covered by Gigantomachia's hand right now.

Y/N looked around himself, feeling Minene and Daiki close to him and he could have sworn Minene moved a bit closer to him in the darkness the three of them found themselves in right now. From the grip Y/N felt on himself right now, he felt llike it was tighter on him than it was on Minene and Daiki. It made him feel he as if he was Gigantomachia's main target when it came to him, Minene and Daiki and Minene and Daiki were grabbed as well just, because they happened to be standing close to him.

The h/c haired boy was released from the darkness a second later as he was placed on top of Gigantomachia's back. He wasted no time and looked around himself , seeing the massive villains hand getting pulled away from him and saw he, Minene and Daiki weren't the only people on his back right now. Aside from the three of them, he saw Origami, Toga, Mustard, Spinner, Mr. Compress, Magne and Rappa were present there as well. Even Arasaka was present there as well. The only person from the League who was missing right now was Dabi.

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