The Lineage

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The battle between the Paranormal Liberation Front and Edgeshot's massive team of heroes had eventually came to an end. By the time the battle had came to an end, the mansion of the Paranormal Liberation Front was left in a complete mess. It didn't look like it did in the morning when the unsuspecting residents of it started their day and went along with their plans for the day before the meeting would start, unaware of what was to come and the battle ahead of them.

As a result of the battle, thousands people were captured and their real number was still being counted. Whatever the number was, they knew it was in several thousands and it would take them a while to count everyone and see the real number. No matter what the number of people they captured at the mansion will be, they knew that what they were seeing now was just the tip of the iceberg because they knew that at the same moment all members of this organization were being arrested all over the country.

The captures didn't just involve lower-ranking members, though. Some of the high ranking members of the Paranormal Liberation Front were caught as well. Re-Destro was one of them. The former leader of the Meta Liberation Army and the CEO of Detnerat had injures over his body after getting pierced numerous times by Edgeshot as he was sitting knocked out against the wall, having been knocked out by the top hero after a fierce battle with him.

Edgeshot himself was taken on the side after defeating Re-Destro, feeling utterly exhausted from everything and from his fight with Re-Destro. The fact that he had been injured by Y/N and still being blind in one eye made this fight that much more difficult for him than it normally would. After his fight with Re-Destro, he was taken on side where his eye treated and hiw worst suspicions had been confirmed to him. He had indeed lost sight in one of his eyes and it wasn't just a temporary thing.

The captured high ranking members of the Paranormal Liberation Front didn't include only Re-Destro, though. An unconcious Chimera was covered by a massive block of cement, having been knocked out by a smaller block of cement once Cementoss managed to trap him for longer than usual to make sure he will finally put an end to this fight and Chimera will be put out of action. An exhausted Cementoss was laying not too far from him, having passed out right after making Chimera won't be a threat to anyone on the battlefield anymore.

Ayaka, Giran and Hanabata were among the captured high ranking members of the Paranormal Liberation Front as well. All three of them were caught underground after the heroes entered it once the battle ended and were brought out of it into the daylight where they had been kept bounded alongside the other captured members of their organization who were waiting to be put in the vehicles that would take them to prison where, as all the heroes mutually agreed, all of them belonged.

Despite all of those people getting captured and the Paranormal Liberation Front main plan being completely compromised, the heroes didn't feel like they won and many of them felt bitter and saddened right now as many heroes lost their lives today. Yoroi Musha, Shishido, Snipe, Selkie, Kesagiri man. They were just one of the many heroes who lost their lives today. and they didn't even what to imagine what must have happened with Endeavor's team if Shigaraki woke up.

What made everything worse was the fact that many of the most dangerous and high ranking members of the Paranormal Liberation Front managed to get away. The Mask, Weaponsmith, Himiko Toga, Dabi, Spinner, Magne, Mr. Compress, Skeptic, Curious and two of the Mask's advisers by the name of Kasumi Minene and Daiki Takeuchi were confirmed to have escaped on Gigantomachia's back and were believed to be on the way to Jaku Hospital due to Gigantomachia constantly crying out Tomura Shigaraki's name.

Geten, Slice and Mummy were believed to have escaped as well, but unlike them, they escaped on foot. Them along with at least 356 members of the Paranormal Liberation Front were believed to have escaped in such a way. The number of the escapee's was still up to question, though as they were still counting and all of them knew the number was much bigger with each passing moment. For all they knew, the number could have been over 500 or even bigger. Only time would tell.

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