Calm Before The Storm

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Days have passed and Y/N spent all of this time at the Shie Hassaikai headquarters, acting like he and the League were ready to completely submit to Overhaul if it meant achieving their goals. By acting completely submissive to Overhaul, he knew he was going against his original plan where he planned to submissive but not as much as he is right now. He had had a slight change of plans when he saw how well being completely submissive to Overhaul worked and decided to keep on acting like this until something will happen.

The h/c haired boy spent a good portion of those last few days with Eri and was in her room with her right now. He had been teaching her how to write for the past hour. From the amount of unopened toys on the floor, Y/N could tell Eri wasn't interested in playing with him so he found other ways to spend time with her. Teaching her how to read and write was among those things. Eri didn't mind it and was in fact interested in learning new things. Eri's trust in him grew larger with each day they spent together as she would sit beside him and timidly talk with him more often.

"Y/N." Eri called out for Y/N, looking up from the piece of paper she had just written something on.

Y/N looked at her questioningly, "Yes?"

Eri put her pen down and slowly pushed the piece of paper over to Y/N, "I'm finished."

"Alright. Let's take a look at this." Y/N smiled at Eri and looked down at the piece of paper she had just pushed towards him. He nodded to himself and shifted his gaze back to Eri, smilling proudly at her. Her handwriting had really improved since he started teaching her how to write as it was far from the best for all the obvious reasons when they first started their lessons. He was certain Mr. Compress would break down if he saw her handwriting when they first started her lessons, "Good job. Your handwriting is getting better with each lesson. You know. I've been thinking. How about we'll try some harder words tommorow. I think you're ready for it."

Eri nodded at him, "Okay."

"We will stick with the easier words for the rest of our lesson today, though. Let's make sure you'll be ready for tommorow." Y/N replied as Eri gave him another nod. He engulfed the piece of paper in the red energy and used his Quirk to move it back to Eri. He chuckled at how awe filled Eri's eyes had become when he used his Quirk. After using it in front of her for the first time and seeing how she reacted to it, he to started to use it move things in front of her as she seemed to like it, "You like apples, don't you? How about you'll write apple for me now? You remember how to write it, right?"

"I do." Eri replied as she looked down at the piece of paper in front of her and started writing the word Y/N had just asked her to write. She paused her writing a few seconds later as she looked up at Y/N, feeling like there was something she had to tell him, "Y/N."

"Yes?" Y/N asked, "Do you need any help? Do you have any problem with this word?"

"No. It's something else." Eri shook her head, setting her pen down on the piece of paper, "Remember what you asked me yesterday after you read me a rhyme? About who I want to be when I grow up?"

"Yes." Y/N nodded in confirmation as he recalled her this question yesterday after reading her a nursery rhyme about growing up. He didn't receive the answer to his question straight away as Eri didn't know how to answer to it. The h/c haired boy didn't press her about it and allowed her to have all the time she needs to come up with the answer. Eri had all the time she needed to figure out the answer. She was still a child after all, "What is it about it? Have you figured out the answer to it?"

Eri nodded in confirmation and revealed the answer she came up with to him, "I think I would like to be someone nice when I grow up. Like you Y/N."

Y/N felt a pang shot through his chest. The knowledge of Eri wanting to be someone like him made him feel emotions he did not know how to explain. There was one thing he was certain about, though. He didn't want Eri to become someone like him. She could only see one part of him. She had no idea about the other part of him, "You don't want to be like me Eri."

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