My Villain Academia

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Y/N was left completely silent by the view in front of him. He wasn't the only one. The rest of the League was silenced by the sudden appearance of this enormous individual as well, covering the area around them in a total silence. The h/c haired boy had to admit something to himself as he continued to stare at the enormous individual in front of him with a suprised look on his face. Out all the possibilities of what All For One's secret power could be, the thought of something like this being the said power had never crossed his mind.

"What's the meaning of this?" Dabi asked, breaking the silence between the members of the League.

Origami's eyes widened in suprise as she was taken by suprise by how tall this individual was, "He's so big."

"I never thought I would see someone else with a gigantification Quirk." Magne said, with her large magnet resting on her right shoulder, "He must be even taller than Mt. Lady..."

Y/N shifted his gaze from the enormous individual to Shigaraki for a second, "Is this the fighting power that Kurogiri went after before he was captured?"

"Looks like it." Shigaraki uncovered a bit of his face by lifting up his face-hand a bit, revealing the smile he had on his face right now, "I'm not impressed."

"...I devote everything to All For One." The enormous man said in his deep voice, silencing the members of the League as all of them shifted their attention back to him in an instant. He lowered his head a bit and set his eyes on Shigaraki and Y/N, mostly on the former, "Well then, successor. Show me whether you are worthy or not."

His words took Shigaraki by suprise, "...What?"

"Are we supposed to fight this?" Rappa asked. His voice was not filled with worry or nervousness, though. It was instead filled with excitement. Pure excitement filled his body at the thought of fighting this enormous individual.

As soon as Shigaraki voiced his suprise and Rappa voiced his excitement, the enormous man stomped the ground in a powerful manner. The stomp was so strong that it caused a large dust wave to engulf the area and that it send most of the League flying backwards. The only members who weren't send flying were Rappa and Tengai as Tengai formed his yellow forcefield around them, managing to stop both of them from flying backwards.

Tengai looked over his shoulder, seeing how everyone else from the League was knocked backwards by the enormous man. The former yakuza member shook his head at the view of them landing on the ground in the distance. He tried to stop as much of them as he could from getting knocked away, but unfortunely had too little time to do so and managed only to form it around Rappa.

"Why would you do this All For One? I can't believe it!" The enormous man screamed in despair with tears forming in his eyes upon seeing how everyone, including Shigaraki were easily knocked away from him by his attack as the members of the started to slowly get themselves back on their feet. He punched the ground in frustation, now openly sobbing as Tengai's forcefield vanished from around him and Rappa, "Tell me why Master! He's too weak to deserve this!"

"What the hell is going on with this guy?" Spinner asked, taken aback by this man's emotional outburst as he had just gotten himself back on his feet.

Mr. Compress nodded in agreement, getting up from the ground, "I don't get it either."

"This is bad." Y/N said, staying next to Shigaraki as he pushed himself back on his feet. How were they supposed to fight this enormous man, whatever his name was, if he knocked all of them away with just one attack. His emotional outburst only reassured him that this won't be easy.

"Shigaraki. Y/N. Looks like both of us run into some trouble." An eldery voice echoed from the radio that the enormous man must have brought with himself because the League knew none of them had a radio with them. This voice was unknown for most of the members of the League. The only people who recognized it were Shigaraki and Y/N. Both of them immediately knew who it was. It was someone both of them hadn't heard from in a long time. It was Doctor.

Villains Aren't Born (My Hero Academia x Villain! Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now