Creature Rejection Clan

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Y/N opened his eyes as he woke up from his slumber. He rubbed his eyes, trying to make himself more awake as the ceiling of the abandoned building that he and the League had recently taken shelter in was the first thing his eyes caught sight of upon his awakening. The building was was in an area that was rarely visited by anyone, so it made him the perfect place for him and the rest of the League to stay for a while.

He sat up on his place to sleep, letting out a yawn as he still felt a bit sleepy, having just woken up from his slumber. He got up and stretched his arms above his head as he looked around himself, trying to see who else from the League was awake beside him. He saw that Toga, Mustard, Origami, Twice and Spinner were still lost in their own slumbers. From the looks of it, it seemed like they were not going to wake up for the next few or several minutes at least.

A small smile formed on his face as he saw Toga clutching the picture the League had taken of themselves close to herself almost as if it was a plushie. This picture really meant a lot to her. Deciding not to bother them and let them sleep for as long as they felt like, he quietly pushed himself into walk towards the only person in the building who was not sleeping at the moment.

This person was Mr. Compress. Mr. Compress sat on the couch close to one corner one of the building, not doing much right now. Judging from the empty water bottles and the empty cups from instant noodles, Y/N could already tell his fellow villain was already after breakfast. Mr. Compress seemed to take notice of him as well as he shifted his attention to him, setting his eyes on him.

Mr. Compress smiled at Y/N underneath his mask, tipping his hat as soon as he laid his eyes on him, "Ah, good morning to you, Y/N. Did you slept well?"

"Good morning to you too, Mr. Compress." Y/N nodded at him with a smile on his face as he made his way to the pile of food and water supplies of the League, intending to make himself something to eat, "I slept well. Or least as well as we can in a place like this. How about you?"

"I have nothing to complain about my sleep either, despite the conditions. Thank you for asking." Mr. Compress replied as Y/N nodded at him and shifted his gaze away from him back to the cup of noodles he was planning to have as his breakfast. Once he had poured some water into the noodles, he picked up the cup from the furniture and stepped closer to Mr. Compress.

He took his seat next to Mr. Compress, setting his noodles on the table between the couches and looked at him questioningly, "Where's the rest? I can't see Tomura-kun, Rappa, Magne and Tengai-ku."

"Rappa is training outside. Shigaraki left with Magne and Hekiji-kun about an hour ago to try to find a way how to improve our financial situation." Mr. Compress explained.

"I see." Y/N nodded in understanding, "Hopefully they will manage to find a place we can raid for things we could sell. We haven't gotten a chance to check any place for this kind of stuff since we raided that den about a week ago."

"This is something I can agree upon." Mr. Compress agreed, "We only have a few day supply food and water. Maybe a week if we will stick with only one portion of food a day."

"Yeah." Y/N sighed. He would never suspect things would become this bad for their organization following the capture of Kurogiri. Their poor financial situation and their lack of success in locating Doctor was really making things looking grim for the League. Their luck really had to turn itself around sooner or later otherwise things were only to get worse for them. It really made him wonder how would their situation look like if Kurogiri wasn't captured.

Mr. Compress looked at Origami, making sure the girl was asleep as he wanted to ask Y/N about something and he would have preferred her to be asleep for the conversation he was planning to have with Y/N because of how private the topic of this conversation will be, "Y/N? Can I ask you something?"

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