The Summer Camp Attack

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It was night and the moon had replaced the sun on the sky. Many people were already in bed at this time of day, getting some sleep to be ready for another day of either school or work. A certain group of people wasn't among those people. This group of people know as the Vanguard Action Squad had recently been transported into a massive forest in order to put their plan of attacking the U.A summer training camp into action.

Y/N slowly walked to the edge of the hill and set his eyes on the massive forest in front of him, his mask covering his face. The masked villain clenched his hands, as he continued to stare ahead of himself. This was it. It wouldn't be long before he and his fellow villains from the Vanguard Action Squad would begin their attack. He let out a soft sigh to calm himself down as the thought of leading the Vanguard Action Squad was still making him a bit nervous, promising himself to do his best as the leader of the Vanguard Action Squad to not ruin everything he and Shigaraki had planned. Shigaraki, Kurogiri and All For One put a lot of faith him when it came for this operation and he was not going to show them they made a mistake by doing so.

He titled his head to the side when he heard someone approach him from behind and saw Origami standing next to him. He set his eyes on Origami as Origami set her eyes on him. The two of them exchanged glances with each other, letting each other know they were ready to for whatever was going to happen tonight, despise the nervousness they were feeling right now for their own reasons, without exchanging any words with each other.

"I don't like it! It's so no cute." Toga whined, wearing a piped black mask that was decorated with the pieces of pale metal in the shape of a carnivorous grin. Needless to say, the blond haired girl was not a big fan of the gear Shigaraki and Y/N had ordered for her as she would have preferred something much cuter than what she had gotten. She already voiced her disappointment with her gear many times ever since Y/N showed it to her back in the warehouse.

"This was orchestrated by the designer behind the scenes, right?" Mustard said, stopping on Y/N's right as Toga looked at him, "Appearances don't matter as long as it makes sense."

"I'm not talking about that. I just don't want to wear this." Toga replied, flailing her arms up and down as she shifted her attention to Y/N, "Y/N. The next time ask me what I want to wear the next time you and Tomura-kun will order a new gear for me."

"I'll remember about it for the next time." Y/N nodded at her, "As I already told you back in the warehouse when I showed you your gear, my and Tomura-kun's order of this gear was very sudden and we didn't have much time to ask anyone about the kind of gear they would be interested in."

Toga nodded back at him with a satisfied look on her face and shifted her gaze from him to Origami. She moved closer to her 'bestie', "What about you Origami-chan? You didn't get anything new from Y/N and Tomura-kun?"

"I didn't need anything for this attack. I already have everything I need." Origami replied with a slightly nervous look on her face, keeping her hand on her sheathed katana as she was still nervous about how she was going to perform in this attack, "Flashbang grenades are all I need to do my task in this entire thing, but I just need to find some rocks to create them which I don't think will be too hard."

"Okay." Toga nodded in understanding and walked closer to Origami, putting her hands on her shoulders as Mustard let out an annoyed sigh at her action, "Don't be so nervous, Origami-chan~. I know this is your first time but I'm sure you'll do well. I could hear how much you and Y/N were training in my room ever since I moved in on the same corridor."

"Hi darlings." Magne approached them from behind with a grin on her face, her magnet resting on her right shoulder, "Sorry to keep you waiting~."

Moonfish was right behind her. He was a fairly tall man. He wore a black straitjacket that only leaves his mouth exposed. The suit was held together by black restraints decorated with red spikes. These same restraints connected to metal clamps that covered Moonfish's head and kept his lips open. Other straps went across Moonfish's torso, waist, and the top of his boots. Y/N had to admit. Kurogiri wasn't lying when he said Moonfish appearance made him hard to miss. Origami seemed utterly creeped out by Moonfish's appearance the first time she laid her eyes on him.

Villains Aren't Born (My Hero Academia x Villain! Male Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu