Paranormal Liberation Front

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Ayaka Okumura kept her eyes on the road ahead of her as she drove her through the forested road, following the directions Giran had given her to the destination of her new job when he called her earlier today with a new job for her. The punk clothed woman bobbed her head up and down a bit to the of her favourite punk sound of the music ringing through her ears right now as she had her favourite radio statio turned on right now to kill some time and to make the road feel not as long as it is.

She shook her head to herself, wondering why the League was staying in the middle of nowhere as they normally stayed in abandoned places when they called upon her to do her craft. They must have changed the way they operate when it comes to hiding places, which wouldn't surprise her, because it would make them harder to track in the middle of forest. It just made her wonder where they were staying in this forest as she doubted they were sleeping without roof over their heads, considering it was December. It must have been some abandoned building.

She got the answer to her question a few minutes later and her eyes widened in suprise as soon as she laid her eyes on it. She was suprised because she saw a literal mansion. She parked her vehicle in front of it, looking at with with suprise evident on her voice as something like thing on the bottom of the list when it came to the places the League would use as their hideout in this forest. Who would even build such a mansion in the middle of nowhere in the first place?

She got herself out of her car, locking it and pushed herself into walk towards the main entrance to the mansion. She was really grateful she didn't have her high heeled boots on herself right now otherwise walking in such environment would be hell. Her suprised expression remained on her face as she neared the main entrance to the mansion, wondering how the League could even afford to stay in a place like this as she was made aware of their financial problems from Giran.

She reached the front entrance to the mansion and pushed it open. She walked into it and was immediately greeted by the view of two men. One man was a man with a modified scuba mask which Ayaka had to admit to herself was rather unnerving to look at and a man with his entire face covered by a black hood, leaving only his eyes visible for everyone to see. The two unknown men stopped the conversation they were having with each other right now and looked at Ayaka, eyeing her suspiciously.

"Who are you?" The hodded man asked, eyeing the punk clothed woman in suspicion.

Ayaka stopped in front of him, raising her hands defensively to let them no she had no ill intention towards either of them, "Relax. I mean no harm or have any ill intentions towards you. My name is Okumura Ayaka."

"Why are you here?" The man with a modified scuba mask demanded to know, his voice slightly muffled because of the mask he had on his face rigtht now, "I haven't seen you around here before."

"Calm down, you two." A female voice sounded echoed from behind two the unknown men as the said two men and Ayaka looked over to the source of it and saw a purple haired woman in pink kimono walking towards them, the sound of geta sandals touching the floor ringing through their ears, "She came here for the League. She's their doctor."

The hodded man looked at the purple haired woman with a raised brow underneath his covered his face, "Why would they call in for their doctor? Re-Destro already had all of them patched up on our account."

"...Re-Destro? Wait a second." Ayaka thought to herself questioningly as she felt like this name was familiar to her in some way. She didn't have to think for long as she realized why this name was familiar to her a few seconds later. It was pretty well known in her work environment, "...What? Destro of the Meta Liberation Army? What the hell is going on right now?"

The purple haired woman shook her head, "I don't know. Whatever it is, I'm certain it must be something important." She blushed slightly, "After all, I doubt Mr. L/N would led someone to our headquarters without being certain this person won't rat us to the government."

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