The Aftermath

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Two months have passed since the night when Y/N came across All For One and received his very own Quirk from him. It had been one month since he paid a visit to his old home and overheard his parents talking about how relieved they were the media coverage surrounding his case was dying down and how much they wished they had never birthed him. It had been one month since he made his choice of becoming a villain.

The last month had been nothing but work for the h/c haired boy as Y/N focused all of his time entirely on improving his abilities with his Quirk, having barely taken any time to do some of the activities he liked to do in his free before his decision to become a villain such as playing video games or baking various baked goods. He may have used his video game console a few times over the course of the last month, but his baking equipment remained untouched ever since it was brought into his room.

The h/c haired boy in his training grounds right now as he was in the middle of another one of his daily training sessions. He was crouching down, keeping his hands on the sides of his head as he was going through another headache caused by him overusing his Quirk at the moment. After his headache died down a few moments later, he slowly got himself back on his feet and looked at the almost ruined training dummy in front of him.

He clenched his hand after regaining his composure, feeling how it slowly started to shake in frustation. What was the reason to his frustation? The answer was quite simple. It had been about a week since he had made any real progress in improving his abilities with his Quirk. Why couldn't he make any progress since then, despise working hard when it come to improving his abilities with his Quirk.

He bit his lip so hard to the point of almost making blood spill down from it, his eyes not leaving the almost ruined training dummy in front of him. Was there something wrong with him? He wanted to achieve his goal of creating a better society for people who were born the same way as he did and he knew he was never going to achieve that if his abilities with his Quirk will remain on the same level as the are now.

He clenched his hand tighter, feeling all sort of negative emotions going through his body right now. He felt how the area around him became more darkened and blank. He lowered his gaze to the floor, feeling how his mind startied playing a sick trick on him and made him feel like a few shadowy figures formed a circle around him, their expressions showing either amusement or disappointment.




"Quirkless trash!"

"Useless disappointment!"

"You'll never amount to anything!"

"You will always be worse than us!"

"Shut up." Y/N muttered to himself, hoping the voices going through his head right now will fade away. The voices didn't stop shouting various hurtful insults at him, though. He still could hear them pretty well as there was no end to them. He put his hands on the sides of his head, trying to quiet down those voices as he wanted to find a way to stop them, "Shut up. Please. Shut up..."

"Is everything alright, Y/N?" All For One's voice echoed from the TV on the other side of the room as Y/N's eyes widened upon hearing his voice call out for him, realizing his Sensei was watching him right now.

He pulled his head away from his head, pushing himself out of his thoughts. He turned to look the TV and spoke up to his Sensei, trying to sound as convicing as he could as he didn't want All For One to think taking him in was a mistake, "S-Sensei. You don't need to worry about anything." He gave him a fake smile to assure him he was fine, "Everything is fine. I just had went through another headache as I overworked myself again."

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