One For All

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Y/N and Origami held hands with each other as they walked together down the hallway of the mansion, having said goodbyes with the rest of the League and walked off in the directions of their rooms where they would rest for the night. Having already taken care of all the business they had today with the formation of the Paranormal Liberation Front and making sure Ujiko will fulfill his deal of their deal, they and the rest of the League retired themselves for the night and went to their personal rooms.

The villanous couple turned the corner and walked into a long hallway, beginning to walk forward themselves along it. They stopped in their tracks a few seconds alter, having just reached an entrance to one of the rooms in the mansion. They stopped in front of it as they knew it was one of their two destinations because this was a door leading to the room which was given to Y/N back when the League was brought here following their fight with the Meta Liberation Army.

Origami shifted her gaze away from the door to Y/N's room to him and smiled at him slightly, "Looks like this is where we part ways for the night."

"Yeah." Y/N returned her smile, pulling his hand away from hers, "I'll see you tommorow."

Origami nodded at him, her smile growing slightly wider, "Yeah. Until tommorow."

They leaned towards each other, sharing a quick goodbye kiss as they wished each other a good sleep tonight. Origami turned away from Y/N and pushed herself into walk forward herself towards the room at the end of the hallway. Upon being informed everyone from the League will receive their own room in the mansion, Origami and Y/N asked if they could have their rooms next to each other and Re-Destro nodded at them with a toothy smile on his face and them rooms in this part of the mansion.

The h/c haired boy smiled to himself, watching Origami make her way towards the entrance to her room as he shook his head to himself. Despite week passing they confessed their feeling for each other, he still couldn't believe he was now calling Origami his girlfriend. He never would have guessed she would become someone so important to him after he encountered her for the first time shortly after the USJ. He didn't think much of it, though. He knew he loved Origami and he doubted it would change.

He turned away from her a second later and pushed the door to his room open. He walked into his room, closing his door behind him and was immediately greeted by the sight of a massive room. Y/N looked around himself in a small awe evident on his face as he still couldn't believe this room was his. It was even bigger than any of the rooms in his family home and he was certain some people would exclaim how this room itself feels like a mansion on it's own after they would see it for the first time.

Y/N to admit to himself, though. He was suprised by the size of his room when he was shown around it for the first time as he got a chance to see the rooms given to his fellow members of the League before he was taken to his room. This suprise was caused by the fact his room was slightly bigger than theirs. His suprise didn't last long, though as he got the answer to this question when he was shown around Shigaraki's room and saw how his room was bigger than his. When assigning the rooms for the League, Re-Destro must have taken the fact how Shigaraki is the leader of the League and Y/N is the second command of it into consideration and gave them larger rooms than the rest of the League because of it.

"A room fitting for a king. How nice." He recalled Dabi making this comment when the League was shown Shigaraki's room as his attention remained on his new room.

The room had a massive bed in the middle of it. The h/c haired boy was taken by suprise by the size of it, having not seen a bed this large in real life until last week. Before last week, he had only seen beds this large in movies and video games. The rest of the room was nothing extraordinary as it had the equipment you'd normally see in a room. Because of it, however, the room felt a bit empty as it left a lot of free space. After pointing this out to Re-Destro, the former leader of the Liberation Army told him he and the rest of the League will get a chance to arrange their rooms however they desired with his company.

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