Bloody Rain

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Mustard looked around himself, making sure not to lower guard and always keep it up as he proceeded to make his way towards the more isolated parts of Deika City in order to make a perfect place from where he would unleash his sleeping gas attack on the members of the Meta Liberation Army. Even after he would find himself in his destination, he would still have to watch out with his sleeping gas and spread it carefully across the city in order not to put his fellow villains from the League to sleep.

At least he was certain Mr. Compress and Dabi won't be affected by his sleeping gas if things will not go according to the plan as he knew where they were right now, having been with them for the first few minutes of the attack before splitting up from the to do his task and was not going to direct his sleeping gas towards the location he suspected them to be in right now. He had no idea where the rest of the League was but wherever they were, he hoped they were coping with this situation to the best of their abilities and that they wouldn't find themselves in the middle of their gas attack.

The masked villain stopped himself in the middle of the street somewhere in one of the isolates parts of Deika City and nodded to himself, knowing it was the perfect place to begin his sleeping gas attack on Re-Destro's goons. It was isolated from the rest of the League, just like the part of the forest where he began to spread his sleeping gas during their attack at U.A's camp was. Or at least he hoped it was isolated from the rest of them. Dabi and Mr. Compress were the only members of the League he knew the location of right now.

Just as he started to spread his sleeping gas around him, several members of the Liberation Army hopped over the fence next to him right into his view. Not wasting any time, they charged at him with the intention of putting him down as Mustard didn't think much of them, because he knew he will put them to sleep with his sleeping gas before they will even get a chance to get close to him. It was exactly what he did, spreading his sleeping gas around the area around him.

He nodded to himself with a satisified look on his face, hearing how some of his attackers collapsed on the ground like a ton of bricks before they reached him. His satisified expression didn't last for long, though as he detected some movement within his sleeping gas. He detected a lot of movement within it. He knew it meant only one thing. At least a few of them must have somehow avoided getting caught in his sleeping gasp.

He quickly readied his pistol and aimed it forward himself, sensing one of the members of the Liberation Army heading towards him from this direction. He wasted no time and fired his pistol towards this unknown person. It was quickly followed by the sound of a human body falling to the ground like a ton of bricks. Knowing this person would not be a problem to him anymore, he shifted his attention to the other person he had detected in the cloud of his sleeping gas.

He once again fired his pistol, resulting in this person following the fate of their comrade and landing on the ground. He followed his action a two more times, beginning to realize how he had only three bullets left in his pistol and how he had to ready himself to change the clip as soon as possible. A familiar sound of someone hopping over the fence and landing the ground rang through his sears as soon as those thoughts flew through his mind.

It was when he realized something. More members of the Meta Liberation Army must have arrived here in order to stop him from spreading the sleeping gas further into Deika City. His eyes widened in alarm as he detected a person attemping to jump at him from behind. He stepped to the side a second after he detected them, causing the man to land on the ground and slid across it him out of his view.

Before this unknown man slided away from him, Mustard managed to notice something about him out of the corner of his eye. It was a gas mask. Similiar to the one the U.A students wore when they attacked him back when the League attacked their summer camp. At least he now knew how the members of the Liberation Army managed to avoid getting put to sleep by his sleeping gas, despite the answer to this seeming pretty obvious to him.

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