Meta Liberation Army

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A portal opened itself out of nowhere in front of Dabi and Mustard shortly after the League accepted the offer made by them by Re-Destro of the Meta Liberation Army, causing both of them to stop the conversation they were having with each other when it happened and set their attention on it. Neither of them put themselves on guard, though as they knew what kind of a portal it was, having gotten a chance to use it few times at this point.

"...You?" Dabi asked with a slightly suprised look at the group of people he wasn't expecting to see today popped into existance right before him and Mustard. His suprsied expression was quickly replaced with his usual expression, though, "What the hell are you doing here?"

Origami cringed in the disgust at the taste she was feeling in on her tastebuds right now, "It never gets better."

"I thought I would get myself used to this nasty taste at this point." Toga nodded in agreement, looking equally as disgusted as she set her eyes on Dabi and Mustard. Her expression immediately lit up at the view of them, "Hi Hiroto-kun! Hi Dabi-kun!"

Mustard shifted his gaze between everyone from the League with a questioning look on his face, "What are you doing here?"

"I just asked them the same question." Dabi pointed out, placing his hands in the pockets of his jacket, "Aren't you suppose to be fighting Gigantomachia or whatever his name is?"

"There was a change of plans." Shigaraki informed them.

Mustard crossed his arms, "What change of plans? You aren't planning to bring him here, would you?"

Shigaraki nodded at him, "This is part of our plan, but we aren't planning on bringing him to you."

"What?" Mustard asked, growing more confused by his confirmation as he was unsure how he should understand it.

"Can you fill us in what you have planned or are you planning on making it some kind of mystery to us?" Dabi wanted to know.

"We got contacted by Meta Liberation Army and they're holding Giran hostage." Y/N began his explanation, intending to make it as short as possible because of their limited time as Dabi and Mustard instantly shifted their attention to him, "They gave us an ultimatum. We will go to Deika City and face their opponent or they will send the top heroes in the country after us. We decided to go with the former."

Dabi raised his brow, "Meta Liberation Army?"

Mustard looked suprised by what was revealed to him by Y/N, "First the yakuza and now this? Are we cursed to face relics of the past every few months or what?"

Mr. Compress crossed his arms, "I'm asking myself the same thing, Kataoka-kun."

"What are you two doing here, anyway?" Spinner asked Dabi and Mustard, "Whatever you two were doing for the last month and a half, I had no idea it would include you two being in the middle of the forest."

"We were just sending out a message to someone from here." Dabi explained.

Mustard nodded in confirmation, "Sending it from here would make it easier for us to be detected and noticed by the heroes or police or whatever. The fact that we wanted to meet them here also had something to do with it."

Magne crossed her arms, "I see your cooperation is going well."

Dabi shrugged, "Had to learn how to work with him. Otherwise the last month around him and a half would make me jump out of the window."

"Same here." Mustard nodded in agreement.

"Can you postpone this conversation for later?" Shigaraki asked, "I don't think we have enough time to stay here and talk about this right now."

Villains Aren't Born (My Hero Academia x Villain! Male Reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora