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-why do you pay attention to him, he isn't even news worthy.'
-' is it true... Has he been marked by them.'
-' smells like alpha pheromones'
- ' jeez, maybe we should all mind our own business '
-' what's so special about all this, I can't believe everyone is buzzing about such nonsense when BEAKHO is having a comeback '
-'he has an afterglow '
-' how do you people notice that, what if he has been just taking care of his skin '
-' it's not about skin you idiot... He just seems happier.'
-' is he supposed to be sad'

Do they want me to be sad always.

" Are they still bothering you?" Hanbin hyung stood behind me and I turned to face him with a sigh.

" To be honest, not really."

He smiled and replied with " that's great, I don't want you brooding about such useless people" he took a seat while saying "they always have an opinion, even about things that don't concern them."

And I sighed again then smiled " it's nothing new."

Normally such harsh sentiment touches my heart.
But... For some reason am not sad, am not confused.
Everything feels so clear. It's like something heavy was lifted off my shoulders.
Today I wanted to see the world.I wanted to see everyone, they won't tolerate my presence up close, and am okay with that.

It just doesn't hurt anymore, I guess.

"You seem better than before." Hanbin hyung stared at me with a delicate gaze and smile and I smiled brightly.
" Does it show that much" I giggled as I turned towards the warm sky and continued " Hanbin hyung?"

" Has the world always been so bright?"

He sighed and stated " it has, you just have been living in a hazy world for some time"

A hazy world huh.

Is that why every event in my life has been feeling ancient in time.
Like I have reincarnated once more and this time all that happened to me was a distant illusion.

" How does it feel?" Hanbin abruptly spoke
" How does what feel?" I retorted and he answered " the new feelings you are having, how do they feel?"

How does it feel?...


My gaze shifted toward everything and anything. I could see the way the wind moved through the trees, the way everyone was up to something and their eyes seemed to lack the hazy glow I always had.
Things do feel different.

The way I look at the sky is different.
The way I look at people is different.
The way I look at the world has been different.

A couple of birds swiftly toyed in the air, gliding like there is no tomorrow, like today is the only moment they can feel.



Full of hearts content.

That's the feeling I have been feeling.

I have been feeling... " Free."

That's it.
I looked back at him and his eyes were fixed on me.
He then mumbled to my answer. A whisper that can be heard by only me.

" free.... Free?"

And I elaborated " I feel like I can do anything and if I fall or fail in the process, someone will be there for me."

Yes, that's truly it.
My alphas make me feel like I can do anything and they will forever hold me tight.
Just like they did the first time we met... That magical moment, who can ever forget such a moment.

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