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Warning 🔞

His fingers traced my facial features, he seemed to be mesmerized by the moles I had on my face.
And all I can do is stare at those eyes.

Those eyes...

Is it some type of addiction?
I don't know....

My eyes dashed through the people in the room.
These old shareholders had their heads hung low.
How dare they walk into my building and try to govern how I ran my company.
" Sir we made a mistake and need some -" the head of the finance group began and I interrupted
" A mistake?" I sarcastically asked" are my orders invalid to you?"

And silence consumed us

I'm that moment I tsked then gave a small laugh.
Everyone was frozen and I leaned back taking a look at these people then my eyes went back to the finance manager

" Look at me" he lifted his head and I sighed "Do you work for me or them? "
He shrank" Sir am-"
" I asked a question.."


" Mr P... Park-"
" Before I make you disappear, shut the hell up."


" You, tell me. Who do you work for?"
" sir." He stammered as his eyes darted everywhere except me.

The fear with every stammer is amusing.

" Me?" I raised an eyebrow
And he quickly nodded" ye...yes sir."
" Ok.. ok.. you say you work for me. Then tell me, among these people who ordered you to make changes to the accounting documents?"
" No...n..nobody sir."
" Nobody? So you are telling me that some large amount of money was just left for unaccounted for and no one in this room know where it went to?"
"M... Mr Park." I turned to the voice, his tie seemed to be chocking him making him seem flushed but his stammer gave it all away." maybe their was a miscalculation in the finance department and what does this have to do with us being shareholders. We get that the company is yours but it is an insult to us shareholders to be accused of taking money out of this company! We stand for the progress of it, not disaster... And what is the point of threatening us when we have done nothing wrong!!"

Is that fury I see?

Or fear.

In that moment I took a quick glance on everyones faces.
Each action being documented.

The way some swallowed hard
The way others agreed with this old idiots words.


I smirked and stated," fantastic." I sighed " you know, when I brought everything here for people to own up to what they did, I was thinking of not staining my hands. I have six mates now and one of them is an omega,I know you know that. I didn't want to waste time dealing with you, I could use that time to get my omega a gift,flowers, maybe even some snacks. He recently told me to get him some Japanese snacks. Do you also like them Mr Boo?"

He gulped and said " ye... Yes. My beta husband also enjoys them."

I nodded as if acknowledging his words " that's.... "

Silence. I smiled and let their minds wonder then continued

" That's great. That's really great. You know some families can't afford such luxuries. So I always want to spoil my omega."
" What... What does this have to do with our situa-"
" Shut up and let me speak." I interrupted


" Good." I sneakered and went on " so this time I have taken time out of my schedule so that we could talk is, actually an act of kindness. A chance for some wrongdoers to repent, to ask for mercy and I ... I will forgive them. I will take it as my children know that they did wrong and I will give them a second chance."
Then I mentioned leisurely" I have been trying to be calm for the past few days, I yell here and there but I have tried to not be too impulsive. I don't want to have another ' what happened to Mr Kwang' fiasco... And yet here you are, seated in my chair, in my building and still pretending."

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