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"'... Now moving on to the next news.. it's been a week and three days since the director of the new hit drama ONE EYE OPEN was involved in an accident that has left him in a coma, the police investigations state than Mr  Li Il hyun accident had no file play confirming the fact that Mr Li did abuse substances before the accident happened. His mate Mr Han myeongseok has been denying the results stating that Mr Li was never on drugs. While this has been happening, fans of Kang Dongwoo have thought of another reason, calling the incident as a 'male omega curse' and are worried any fatal accident might happen to the star who portrayed the male omega convict Mr Yoon Young-Ho.'" she paused " apparently they are not the only people who think Mr Li was cursed this the internet is in a frenzy at the moment with people speculating that this must have been caused by the only male omega in Korea.  Our reporter was able to get a statement from Mr Kang, let's hear what he has to say..."

" Mr Kang aren't you worried about the curse that is lurking on your back." The reporter asked reaching out her microphone

Kang Dongwoo maintained his stoic face, he looked away then back " we have visited a temple and we have offered our prayers for Mr Li to get well soon, he is a very hardworking man and a genuinely good person. I don't think the investigation into the case should be overshadowed by some curse. If there is a curse, then it won't get to me or any of our crew members. We did a great job with the script we were given and now we can view Mr Li's vision. So please do watch the new series and pray... Pray for Mr Li"

" well as we can see, Mr Kang is pretty positive about the future, so we should all come down.  This is Bang Hana reporting."

" Truly a positive and composed response from Mr Kang, and we should really view Mr Li's series One Eye Open on chanel two and the next episode to be viewed is episode 6...."

That was the news that aired two weeks ago... And it's been over a month since she died.

Today's news well... Nothing can be optimistic for long I guess.

" ... Mr Kang Dongwoo has always had an asthma problem and yesterday on the set of his new drama Lovely Sunshine caught fire causing Mr Kang to have an attack during the shooting. Luckily he was found not too late and was rushed to hospital, the cause of the fire was found to be a candle left in the wrong place . The police have now put out a campaign, explaining the safety measures to everyone quoting 'people seem to have forgotten a small fire can turn into a big fire'. The doctors say Mr Kang will be alright but the internet is not taking it lightly, calling the incident as the 'next victim of the curse'. We advice viewers not to take things out of hand and listen to the new police campaign." She paused " now moving on to the next news ..."




If I said there was no curse and Mr Li was just unlucky and Kang Dongwoo and his set was careless... I know no one would believe me.

They won't cause am the thing they fear the most.

# the curse is lurking
# Li Il hyun
# evil lives in my university
# embezzlement who?
# Kang Dongwoo will be okay
# he must be out for revenge

Those are the top trending topics for today.
A kpop popstar from a small company was recently involved in a company fund embezzlement scandal and no one seems to mind.

-' it's all his fault this week is fucked. Him and his cursed ancestors.
# the curse is lurking
# embezzlement who?'

-' Kang Dongwoo is endanger ...
# he must be out for revenge.'

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