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How could anyone be this good looking.
His eyes where closed and his chest rose up and fell at a constant rhythm. Though my head lay on the shoulder region... I can still hear his heart beating.

Some say 72 beats per minute ...
Others say from 60 to a 100 ...

Lub ... Dub

Lub ... Dub

The same sound is heard in everyone but what's so special about this beat.

It's like a relaxing song, though I know it, I don't know the words to it.

I would like to sing to it.

Up ... Down?

Lub ... Dub?

" What are you thinking about?"
My eyes fluttered and when I realized that Sunghoon was staring down at me with a smile and I unconsciously wanted to move back but he held my waist tightly and I looked up to him dumbfounded.

"Hy... hyung. I ... I.." I froze as my face was lifted up and I was now looking directly into his eyes.
" We are home " then he said and let go and I was still frozen.
My heart was racing.


When we got inside, Junsung came over and launched himself into my arms.
"Y... You are late..." His voice cracked and I checked the time .


I usually come later than this but today he is crying...
"What's wrong Junsung, did you miss me so much?"
He nodded and looked up at me. His tears faced face looked directly at me.
" Did you eat?"
He nodded
" Did something happen at school?"
"We played a lot of games..."
"So you are tired." He nodded and I asked" where you waiting for a story?"
He nodded and I smiled and was about to fetch him but Sunghoon held my hand
" You must be tired too, let me do it."
He lifted Junsung and rubbed his hair " little buddy ,do you still like those bedtime stories I once told you?"
Junsung nodded " but... Uncle Sunghoon I want uncle Sunoo's stories"
" Uncle Sunoo is a bit tired, I will tell you a story today ok." He then went on "only for today, ok buddy."
Junsung took a peek over his shoulder and stared at me then he nodded and they left for upstairs.

I went into the kitchen and got a glass of water.
My eyes scaled across the room

" I didn't mean to come back, I just couldn't help it anymore."

and I thought " she would love this place."


I got out the dishes and warmed them up again and served up. I waited for Sunghoon at the table and he showed up in sweats, a black knitted sweater and house slippers.

" Did I make you wait for long?"
" N..not really."
He smiled and sat opposite me "sorry I wasn't comfortable in a suit so I went to change."
" Hy... You... you don't have to apologize."
"I have to, no one should make their wife wait."
My eyes almost bulged out and he chuckled.
"Hy...Hy...hyung!" My face felt hot
" Did I lie?" He questioned with a smirk "at this point we are all married just that..."

What ?

"Don't mind me let's eat ."

Just what?

"O..oh hyung, are they... Are they going to be late?"
"Mn probably ."


"Is something wrong, did you want us to have a family dinner?"

Fa... Family.. Dinner.

My ears tingled with those words.

" You look tired, let me serve you." He said and I almost spoke when he said " Sunoo don't worry too much. Tonight I will be your escort."
He smiled and my breath was hooked in my throat.

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