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The sun was setting again, time seemed to be moving slower but my heart kept ramming the chest.
Just one more day.

I feel like a kid waiting for a treat, my fingers vibrate, my eyes are pulsing with every blood flow.
If I feel like this then... How does Junsung feel?
His bright features at the moment, his big eyes.

How does he feel?

Yesterday Taehyung called me. He heard about my surprise appearance at Jun's school.
He mentioned about how sorry he is that he didn't tell me about Junsung. Stating that he wanted me to know about the boy through my mates.
He also mentioned how the news has actually reached the parents and grand parents of the family.

It's not technically from the internet, but inside circle information.
Probably spread from the rich parents at the event until it reached the ears of the head of the family.

I guess rich people love to gossip too.

But he also mentioned how relieved most of them where.
I guess Junsung is not actually an outcast.

Everyone was just worried a out what would happen if I knew one of my mates had a child.

Maybe they just thought of all the worst scenarios.


This fear must stand on society view point I guess.
After every person these days seems to be on a runt and heat. But when a mistake arises from the high, the other partner pretends to be pure and refuses to understand.

Angels dressed in black.

"...cle Sunoo! Uncle Sunoo..." I looked up with a smile . His features that now looked worried loosened up.
" Uncle Sunoo uhm ... "
" Mmm?"
" I ... Can..can I stay here?" He toyed with this fingers. Something he does when nervous.
Will it be possible... But he doesn't have anything here and tomorrow is a day of school.
Anyway what if his mother finds out, will she be scared to notice that her song didn't stay home today?
Will she even know if he stays with me.
Am I supposed to call her and inform her...
Though I want to know Jun's mother, I hope it's not through a phone call.

Wait did she ever find out about me being with Junsung? If she did, why didn't she call.

Sunoo do you expect some kind of approval.
Something like ' thanks for taking care of my baby '

But he put so much effort in just producing his statement.

"Oh... I... I..."

Am not sure...

His eyes sunk and I couldn't help it as the words flew out "sure thing... But there is a tiny problem."
" What problem I will brush my teeth before bed..."
And I lightly pinched his nose " you rascal, am thinking about where you will sleep."
" Uncle Sunoooo" he whined
" Mmm let's have a sleepover I guess."

His eyes beamed. " Really!!"
I agreed and he jumped on the couch and sat next to me
" It will be so much fun Roan and Rain hyung and have a lot of sleepovers."
" Really?"
He nodded " we will have so much fun!-"
" Weeeeeee... Will go straight to bed."
" That is boriiiiing ..."
" Really!"
" Well you have school tomorrow, we can't make you stay up for long."
" Uncle Sunoo....."
" No you have school and you have to rest well."

" Lee Junsung!!! Open the door"
I pushed the knob but it didn't budge.

This boy... Who knew he could have a naughty side.
Did he learn this from that other rascal?

This rascal!!

" Uncle Sunoo I don't want to go to school!"
" Well I have to go to school, so open up!!."
"Nooooo you can't go too!!!"
My eyes bulged in shock.
Is this what we agreed to?
Was this part of the plan?

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