How to Woo Your Lover 101

Start from the beginning

"Lalisa!" Jennie exclaimed from the door. "Are you waking up right now or do I need to drag your ass?" Jennie's tone was like an angry single mom who was already late for work but her child didn't want to cooperate vibe.

"Five more minutes, Mom," Lisa responded lazily as she curled her body in the blanket like a fetus.

Jennie couldn't help but be overcome by Lisa's adorable charm. Despite her anger, she found herself sighing and giving in to the cuteness overload. With a smile on her face, she said, "Alright, just five minutes," Jennie tried to sound stern but couldn't help but let out a little chuckle.

Ten minutes had passed when Jennie came back into the room to wake Lisa again. "Come on, big girl. I gave you 10 minutes, and you better wake up now." Jennie deliberately whispered in Lisa's ear and made her shiver. This was Jennie's plan B if Lisa didn't wake up. Usually, this way, Lisa will immediately open her eyes. If this method still doesn't work, Jennie will move on to the third method.

"Wake up, hon..." Jennie used her seductive voice. "Don't you want to see me changing?" she added. By using this spell, Lisa would usually wake up immediately and give her a mischievous smile.

But Lisa didn't budge; she didn't move an inch.

Jennie's blood boiled as she watched Lisa struggling to wake up. "YAH!" she yelled, making Lisa flinch. "Why can't you just wake up like a normal person?!" Jennie snapped, her anger rising with each passing second.

"Gosh! Must you yell that loud?!" Lisa spat back, clearly annoyed at being startled awake.

Jennie's irritation only grew at Lisa's response. "I woke you up gently! AND THAT WAS AN HOUR AGO!" she replied, her voice rising. "What's your excuse now?!" she added.

Rolling her eyes, Lisa stood up and left the room, leaving Jennie behind.

"Don't you dare roll your eyes at me, you ungrateful bitc—" Jennie shouted after her, her voice echoing down the hall.

Lisa couldn't believe what she was hearing. "What did you just call me?" she demanded. "I was exhausted and just wanted to sleep for a few more minutes. Is that too much to ask? Can't you let me be in peace for a minute?" she snapped back.

Lisa's harsh words took Jennie aback. She just wanted to make sure Lisa didn't miss her flight, but hearing Lisa's response made her feel sick.

"I just didn't want you to be late for your flight," she said, her voice trembling now. "But if you're going to be like this, then fine. Do whatever you want." With that, Jennie stormed out of the room and headed straight to the studio. She was hurt and disappointed by Lisa's audacity, but she had a long day waiting for her.

At this moment, Jennie didn't even care if she didn't see her until next week. That's how furious she was.

Lisa was totally shocked by Jennie's tantrum. She stood there with her mouth wide open, watching Jennie storm out without even glancing her way. Lisa was puzzled by Jennie's comment about being worried that she'd miss her flight. Didn't I tell her I'm staying? Lisa thought to herself.

She almost called Jennie to ask her about it but decided against it. She didn't want to hurt her pride, and besides, Jennie had already slammed the door and left. Lisa turned around and saw Jake, Alice, and Alison looking at her awkwardly from the kitchen table where they were having breakfast.

"I don't remember witnessing domestic disputes being part of our job description," Jake said, taking a sip of his orange juice.

"Tell me about it," Alison chimed in. "I wouldn't have signed up for this job if I knew we'd have to deal with this drama every day," she added jokingly.

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