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The air was warm and the sun was shining bright. Jennie, Jisoo, and Rose were waiting for Jisoo's boyfriend to arrive, who was supposed to pick them up. Suddenly, a sleek black sedan with tinted windows pulled up in front of them.

Rose couldn't help but ask, "Unnie, isn't that one of your father's cars? Did your boyfriend borrow it to impress us?" The girls laughed, but Jisoo didn't respond. Instead, she simply instructed the other two girls to get in the car.

As soon as they settled in, Jisoo suddenly ordered the man beside her to wait.

She rolled down the car window and addressed the recent driver, "Hey, Mr. Driver! Remember who you're dealing with, okay?" Her stern voice made the guy nod, looking a little intimidated. But before Jisoo rolled up the window, she gave him a distant kiss and a wink that made him blush.

The car engine roared to life, and Rose and Jennie exchanged surprised looks as they noticed the driver in the car next to Jisoo was none other than Mr. Jung, Jisoo's family's trusted driver, whom they had known for ages.

Jennie couldn't resist taking a playful jab at Mr. Jung, "So, Mr. Jung, how long have you been SECRETLY dating Miss Jisoo?" she asked with a mischievous grin. Mr. Jung was caught off guard and choked on his words, leaving Rose and Jennie in fits of giggles.

Jisoo rolled her eyes at her friends' antics and interjected, "Don't mind them, sir. They're just being silly. The heat is getting to their heads."

Rose, who was curious about Jisoo's boyfriend, asked, "But didn't you say you were going to ask your boyfriend to pick us up? Why did Mr. Jung come instead?"

"He's busy," Jisoo replied curtly, clearly annoyed.

Jennie couldn't resist teasing her band mate, "Is it just me, or is your boyfriend always busy whenever he has a chance to meet us?"

Jisoo shot Jennie a deadly look, but before she could say anything, Rose intervened and said, "Calm down, unnie. Jennie unnie's brain is melting because of the heat."

Jennie wasn't one to back down easily. With a sassy tone, she retorted, "Yeah sure, I bet the heat melts Jisoo's relationship too." Ready to fire back, Jisoo took a deep breath, but suddenly, Mr. Jung's voice boomed through the car, "Oh my God, what is that?" Startled, the girls turned to look at what he was pointing at.

Mr. Jung chuckled, "Never mind, that was just me trying to melt the tension."

The girls burst out laughing, relieved to have some much-needed comic relief in the midst of their heated jokes.

"Unnie, where are we headed?" Rose asked Jisoo curiously.

"Uh, my place? Duh," Jisoo replied with a carefree attitude.

The other two girls seated at the back only hummed in response, and the car fell silent once again. Jisoo was lost in thoughts, contemplating the plan she had just put together. Rose, on the other hand, was glued to her phone screen, secretly chatting with her lover Suzy. Meanwhile, Jennie was busy gazing at the tall buildings that zoomed past them, lost in her own thoughts about Lisa.

After the heart-to-heart chat she had with her fellow members, Jennie realized how foolish she had been to blindly follow her agency's instructions. She couldn't shake off the thought of what could have happened if only the communication between her and Lisa had been better. It was then that Jennie realized how her love life could impact the lives of everyone around her, including her fellow band members and the staff who worked with them.

As Jennie gazed at Rose, who was giggling uncontrollably at a message from Suzy, she couldn't help but wonder if her relationship with Lisa could ever be the same again. She hoped that one day, just like Rose and Suzy, she and Lisa could find their way back to each other.

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