Chapter 303 - 304

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Chapter 303 Psychological Balance

Because she was too focused on insulting Natsume, Kagura did not notice in time the murderous intent that appeared in Sesshomaru's eyes when she uttered evil words. What made her react was the sharp pain in her stomach.

"Sesshomaru, you..."

Kagura slowly lowered his head, looking at the knife inserted in his stomach, and then slowly followed the knife upwards, from Sesshomaru's white palms, strong arms to his handsome face, and finally What I saw was his cold eyes.

However, Sesshomaru obviously didn't care at all what Kagura looked at him. Neither pain nor hatred could make him waver in the slightest.


Sesshomaru pulled Muramasa back without hesitation, as if he didn't see the blood spurting out suddenly, nor did he hear Kagura's unconscious groan.

"If it weren't for Takashi keeping you still useful, I would have killed you just now."

As if he was still worried that his actions were not enough, Sesshomaru used words to stab Kagura's heart.

"Because I'm using it on this human being?"

Kagura said with a sullen face, and then suddenly laughed, and the laughter became louder and louder, completely ignoring the blood flowing from the wound due to excessive movements. Faster.

"Hahaha...Use, it turned out to be another use! The purpose of Naraku creating me was to use me to achieve his goals. Originally, I thought that was the most tragic thing for me. Unexpectedly, I just discovered it now. My life can be even more pathetic!

As a youkai, I can only survive because I am of value to a human being. It's really embarrassing!"

Kagura was indeed smiling, but there was no trace of smile in the laughter. There is only sadness and deep hatred, and of course, there is also a deep-covering ruthlessness and determination -

no matter what happens, there is only one thing she wants to do, live and live freely. ! No matter what it takes to achieve this goal!

As he said that, Kagura's smile that made the soft-hearted Higurashi Kagome and Shippo suddenly stopped, and then changed to their familiar expressions: "Tell me, what exactly do you want me to do."


's Her body was covered with large and small wounds, and her clothes had completely turned blood red due to too much blood. Her face was pale as if she could faint at any time, but even so, she looked at Sesshomaru and Natsume. His expression put away all negative emotions, as if nothing happened before.

——Is life really so important? Or is it that she plans to go against the will and just wants to save her life today?

This is the psychological activity of Inuyasha and others, but it is definitely not Natsume, because he had no intention of letting Kagura do anything important, and keeping her alive can already achieve his goal.

"What I asked you to do is very simple."

Naturally, it was Natsume who spoke, not Sesshomaru, but Kagura seemed to have completely forgotten her previous contempt for him, and just waited for his instructions, a little rebellious. There is no appearance.

As for whether she really obeyed or was pretending, to be honest, Natsume really didn't care, so she pretended not to know anything and finished her words: "Live." - "What?




said Just one word broke Kagura's pretense, because Natsume's order was too unbelievable.

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