Chapter 139 - 140

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Chapter 139 News

That night, the village chief entertained Natsume and Sesshomaru with the most sumptuous meal that the village could provide. However, although he had tried his best to bring out the best things, the village chief looked at Natsume and Sesshomaru in his eyes. Still feeling deep fear and uneasiness -

these two are monsters, are they used to eating human food? But I don’t know what the monster wants to eat!

The village chief roared in his heart.

The poor village chief still thinks that Natsume and Sesshomaru are monsters, and everything he does is based on this premise.

"Just eat a little, Sesshomaru."

Looking at Sesshomaru who had no intention of taking action, Natsume said calmly.

Naturally, the food that youkai like to eat is different from that of humans. However, because he has been with Natsume for a long time, Sesshomaru will occasionally eat some human food with Natsume. As time goes by, Sesshomaru is not particularly interested in human food. Repelled.

In particular, Natsume often brought some fast food from modern times, and Sesshomaru actually liked it. After discovering this, Natsume tried very hard to keep from laughing - this was not the same as liking to eat "ninja

" Food” is the same as Inuyasha? So don't deny it, Sesshomaru, you do have half the same bloodline as Inuyasha.


Sesshomaru nodded. He could not care about the village chief's mood, but he had to give Natsume face.

So Sesshomaru picked up the chopsticks and started eating. His movements were skillful and graceful, which surprised even the frightened village chief. He had always thought that monsters were cruel and rude, but why did the monster in front of him look better than the daimyo he had seen before? Do you want to eat like a noble?

Seeing that Sesshomaru had already started eating, Natsume began to enjoy his dinner with peace of mind. Not to mention, compared to the food that he and Sesshomaru ate in the wild, the food carefully prepared by humans was more delicious.

Looking at Natsume, whose eyebrows were softer than usual, Sesshomaru's eyes flickered and he didn't say anything, but he began to think about something he hadn't noticed before.

After dinner, Natsume and Sesshomaru were led by the maid to the bedroom arranged by the village chief. Maybe the "two" monsters had a good relationship, so after thinking for a long time, the village chief decided to do it. The decision to arrange a bedroom.

Now seeing that neither Natsume nor Sesshomaru looked dissatisfied, the village chief was greatly relieved. If he was killed because the arrangement of the room dissatisfied these two adults, he would be really aggrieved.

For the sake of his own life, the village chief was willing to risk everything, trying his best to please Natsume and Sesshomaru, hoping that after they got what they wanted tomorrow, they would actually keep their promise not to kill anyone and leave directly.

Although believing in the monster's words seems like a joke, for the village chief at this time, he has no other choice, unless he can really make up his mind to give up his decades of hard work and run away with only a part of Xinruan.

But obviously, the village chief didn't have the courage to give up even when he wasn't really hurt.


maids had already received the order from the village chief, and all of them were very cautious in all their movements. They were afraid of offending the two monster masters and being eaten, so they didn’t even dare to say a word.

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