Chapter 11 - 12

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Chapter 11 "Follow You"

Natsume looked at the monster seriously:

"I don't have you in my memory, and I don't know how I made a contract with you. Can you tell me how to terminate the contract between us?" Change it to another person, or

He is afraid because there is an extra monster around him, or he is proud and satisfied with having a loyal and powerful servant, but that is not Natsume. He does not want to get involved with a monster in such unclear situations, so he I expressed my opinions very clearly right away.

"You want to terminate the contract with me?"

The monster was shocked, and his eyes showed a look of extreme loss and pain for a moment. However, this monster has lived for a long time after all. Although the shock in his heart was very big, on the surface it was very... Calmness soon returned.

"I will not terminate the contract with you."

The monster shook his head, his expression looking a bit more serious than Natsume said:

"At least not now, if you think of everything but still want to terminate the contract with me, then I will I will also rely on you!"

The monster's expression was very serious, allowing Natsume to see that he was not joking, and helplessly, he became more interested in what happened between him and himself - what exactly did he do

? Let this seemingly unruly monster be willing to give up freedom and follow you?

Have you really forgotten something very important?

Natsume thought hard, but couldn't find any trace of the fault in his memory.

Since he couldn't figure it out, Natsume put the matter aside for the time being. After all, it was more important to strengthen his own strength than a monster that had made a contract with him inexplicably.

"If you don't tell me how to terminate the contract, forget it. I'll take my leave."

After saying that, Natsume simply turned around and left, showing no nostalgia for the monster at all.


Before Natsume turned around, a monster's voice suddenly came to his ears, and there was an inexplicable meaning in the low tone.

"What's your name?"

Natsume couldn't pretend not to hear the words of the monster, that is, Tomoe, so he could only stay temporarily.

"Yes, that's my name. I'm the demon fox Tomoe."

Natsume stopped and a flash of joy and expectation flashed through Tomoe's eyes. Unfortunately, it was quickly replaced by disappointment - it was

still difficult to say the name. Natsume can't remember anything? Obviously when he saw himself for the first time...

At this time, Ba Wei's heart moved again, because he suddenly thought of what Natsume once said to him, "One day I may temporarily forget your existence. At that time If you regret making a contract with me, then tell me how to terminate the contract and I will set you free."

Natsume didn't explain clearly at that time, so Tomoe could be said to be confused. When he asked Natsume for questioning, Natsume just gave him a mysterious smile and said nothing else.

Now, Tomoe knows that this is what Natsume said. He doesn't know why this happened, and he doesn't know why Natsume could predict the future at that time. There is only one thing he is very sure about, he doesn't want to at all. After breaking the contract with Natsume, it will be the same even if he forgets about me!

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