Chapter 67 - 68

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Chapter 67 Becoming a Buddha

Being stared at by Natsume expressionlessly, the resentful spirit trembled a few more times, suddenly feeling that this human seemed to be as dangerous as the demon fox.

At this time, the resentful spirit suddenly regretted his impulsiveness and was probably going to die.

"Since you are still young, I'm afraid you don't know the consequences of what you did. I'll just pretend I didn't see anything, otherwise I will definitely punish you severely." After a long time, Natsume finally spoke


Although Natsume is usually very cold, he is still a monk after all, and he attaches great importance to things like cause and effect.

When encountering monsters and the like, Natsume will usually get rid of them easily as long as they won't harm him. This is something that can increase merit.

Natsume could see that although the resentful spirit in front of him stayed in the world because of some obsession with you and hurt humans, after all, the original intention was just a prank and had no real intention to hurt people, so it can be forgiven.

However, Natsume's words made the resentful spirit confused:

"When did I hurt a human being?"

The resentful spirit even felt a little aggrieved:

"I just scared him. At most, he would have some nightmares, and he would be fine if he rested more!"

" Don't forget that you are no longer human."

Natsume glanced at the resentful spirit, and the coldness in his eyes made the resentful spirit freeze, and he did not dare to say anything.

"Even if you didn't take the initiative to hurt Matsumoto, you are always in contact with him at night, so his body has been contaminated with a lot of yin energy, making his body much weaker. If this continues, let alone continue to play tennis , he will have to spend the rest of his life in bed."

Natsume said calmly, but the resentful spirit trembled again. It was indeed because of his obsession with tennis that he did not reincarnate, but he did not intend to hurt anyone. I mean, he is just jealous and unwilling!

" it still too late?"

Wraith asked tremblingly.

Hearing the regret in the voice of the resentful spirit, Natsume nodded secretly. Fortunately, it was not hopeless.

"Now that you stop harassing Matsumoto, he will slowly recover."

Natsume did not continue to scare the resentful spirit and said truthfully.

Seeing the resentful spirit quietly breathing a sigh of relief, Natsume's lips curled up, and he suddenly said to the resentful spirit:

"Do you still want to stay in this world?"

This was the first time that the resentful spirit heard the word "present world", but Even if it was the first time, I could guess what this word meant, and the expression on his face immediately turned bitter: "I also want to be reincarnated, but even though my obsession has become lighter now, I can't find it. The way to that world."

Yes, now the resentful spirit is very willing to become a Buddha, but it is a pity that he, a resentful spirit, cannot do it at all.

"Let me help you."

Natsume said very directly.


I didn't expect such a good thing to happen. I originally thought that I would be in trouble today, but I didn't expect that there would be such a big turn!

Rebirth of Natsume: Demon Love [Comprehensive Manga]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang